Hi everyone,

Long time user, first time caller.

In this case I'm using gvim on windows xp, but I think this applies to
most vim situations.

When you attempt to open a text file that was closed abnormally
before, leaving a hidden .swp file, your open is interrupted by
something like:
Swap file "filename.txt.swp" already exists!

and an explanation, and it gives you choices such as Open read-only,
Open for edit anyway, Recover, Delete swap file, Quit.

What I normally do, and what the text that comes on the screen in the
above situation recommends, is Recover the swap file, write it out to
"filename.txt2", then quit and do a diff (using diff or gvim -d, or
Winmerge, or whatever you feel like), to see what the differences are
and which one I want to keep.  In most cases, there are no
differences, because the file had been open but sitting still for
awhile before the crash.

So instead of doing all these steps, it would be much more efficient
if one of the options (in the popup dialog box in my case) was to let
you see a diff with the click of a button.  It could be a gvim -d with
the file on disk on the left and the recovered file on the right, or
it could be a simple "diff" output run up the screen in the same
"output text" mode (I don't know what it's called, but the same way
the swap file warning went up the screen, but isn't in any buffer).

But basically I'd like to one-click see if there were any differences
or be able to see the differences at a glance if it's a small diff,
and then in another click (or keystroke) delete the swap file and
proceed with editing.

A whole other approach to this would be to report the number of diffs
along with the initial warning message, although I assume it's less
preferable because then you're running a diff without the user's
permission (could take along time on a big file), and the user still
has to go through the other steps in the less common cases where there
is a diff and they want to see it.


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