There are a number of plugins loaded by vim on startup (in the runtime/
plugins directory).  Not everyone wants them to load all the time.

In order to suppress their loading, one must generally set a variable
specific to that plugin, which can only be known by perusing the
plugin itself.  Setting this variable must also be done prior to the
loading of the plugin.

I have a few suggestions to help with this:

1) All standard plugins supplied by vim should have a common method of
suppressing their loading.  That is, they should all have a common
variable name to suppress them.  For example, to suppress plugin "x",
a variable "g:plugin_x_loaded" should be set or something.

2) Easier:  don't have the plugins load by default.   Move them to a
parallel "extra" directory, and then the person who wants to load "x"
can do "runtime extras/x.vim" in the vimrc

3) Harder: have the "ScriptPre" autocommand actually be useful.  Allow
the user to set a variable of some kind to tell vim to not continue
loading this script.

Each suggestion has pros and cons.  The ScriptPre is the only one
which would have no effect on existing instalations, so perhaps Bram
will prefer it to the others.  I personally prefer the second
suggestion, as in that case the user is in complete control over what
gets loaded.
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