On Mon, Aug 10, 2009 at 12:06:09AM -0700, ron wrote:
> I don't want to disable all plugins.  I want to disable some plugins,
> and 'loadplugins' doesn't permit a "blacklist" or something.

There are two possible methods.

1) Set 'noloadplugins' and then explicitly load the individual plugins you
   want with the runtime command.

2) Set 'loadplugins' (the default), and set a list of variables that will
   short-circuit the loading of individual standard plugins.  All but
   one of the standard plugins has a disabling variable, and the oddball
   can be worked around.
   Here's the list of variables (an excerpt from my own .vimrc):

        " If automatically loading plugins, use these variables to disable
        " certain of them.

        " This is confusing - by setting the variable, the plugin file will
        " still be read, but not executed beyond the load check.
        " So, comment out the lines for the plugins you want to load.
        let g:loaded_getscriptPlugin = 0    " getscriptPlugin.vim
    "   let g:loaded_gzip = 0               " gzip.vim
    "   let g:loaded_matchparen = 0         " matchparen.vim
    "   let g:loaded_netrwPlugin = 0        " netrwPlugin.vim
        let g:loaded_rrhelper = 0           " rrhelper.vim
        let g:loaded_spellfile_plugin = 0   " spellfile.vim
    "   let g:loaded_tarPlugin = 0          " tarPlugin.vim
        "                                   " tohtml.vim (See below)
        let g:loaded_vimballPlugin = 0      " vimballPlugin.vim
    "   let g:loaded_zipPlugin = 0          " zipPlugin.vim

        " tohtml.vim            convert a file with syntax highlighting to HTML
        " This one is irritating and cannot be blocked with a simple variable.
        " Instead, the TOhtml command must be created, so create a bogus one.
        command -range=% TOhtml :echo "TOhtml is not implemented"

Gregory H. Margo
gmargo at yahoo/com, gmail/com, pacbell/net; greg at margofamily/org

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