On Tuesday 10 August 2010 05:12:35 Tony Mechelynck wrote:
> Well, 'lines', 'columns', 'guifont', 'guioptions', 'guicursor' can be
> set, and the :winpos command issued, before the GUI is started, e.g. in
> your vimrc (just remember to check :if has('gui_running') since they can
> sometimes give wrong results when used in console mode). Their values
> will then be remembered, and applied when the GUI is started.

Thanks, that does eliminate the worst of the gui repaint issues.  I still have 
other problems with restoring sessions exactly correctly (the number lines in 
the window simply does not restore properly -- unless I restore the session 
again after the gui is running normally).

BTW, here is an excellent trick to asynchronously do something after some 
delay (here I want to restore sessions after 100ms while allowing things to 
run in the meantime):

   call remote_send(v:servername, ":sleep 100m|ReloadSession<cr>")

The "string" part of the remote_send can be, of course, whatever command you 
want to run ...

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