[reversing the top-posting, again]

On Fri, 24 Sep 2010, Ujjwol (उज्जवल लामिछाने) wrote:

On Sep 24, 3:54 pm, Marc Weber <marco-owe...@gmx.de> wrote:
Excerpts from Ujjwol (उज्जवल लामिछाने)'s message of Fri Sep 24 12:44:48 +0200 

Problem is I don't know any terminal that supports unicode. I tried
gnome-terminal, konsole, xterm and rxvt. They all don't render

Can you attach a small text file with those 

I open your file in Vim and see what happens then.

Marc Weber

Here is the Devanagari test file: http://drop.io/egigkig

Can you just attach that? It's annoying enough that the site requires Flash, but even after firing up something with non-broken Flash[1], the 'Download' link is inactive. WTF.


[1] I disable plugins in Chrome on principle, but even under other browsers lately Flash is borked on x86_64 linux. (Under Gentoo, the only "working" Flash browser under amd64 is Opera 10.11.)

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