On 2012-11-29 Thursday at 23:46 +0100 Andy Wokula wrote:
> Am 29.11.2012 18:40, schrieb Roland Eggner:
> > :h cmdline-ranges
> >> 4. Ex command-line ranges       *cmdline-ranges* *[range]* *E16*
> >>
> >> Some Ex commands accept a line range in front of them.  This is noted as
> >> [range].  It consists of one or more line specifiers, separated with ',' or
> >> ';'.
> >>
> >> The basics are explained in section |10.3| of the user manual.
> >>
> >>                                                  *:,* *:;*
> >> When separated with ';' the cursor position will be set to that line
> >> before interpreting the next line specifier.  This doesn't happen for ','.
> >
> > Why not reusing or enhancing already established commandline syntax?
> > If “,” and “;” are not sufficient for all desired features of range
> > specifications, why not just introducing a new separator between line
> > specifications?  E.g. two adjacent commas “,,”, or a caret character
> > “^” would not clash with current commandline syntax AFAICS.  This
> > would be easier to learn from a user POV.  Implementation might
> > require more effort, though.
> AISI ...
> `,' versus `;' is a matter of how to get to the range boundaries.  The
> option to not move the cursor should work together with both of them.

Indeed … thank you for the clarification.

To me it seems we can have it to “work together with both of them”.
What about …


Typing just one additional key is probably attractive for lazy typists.

> To "not move the cursor" can (or should) mean two things:
> - don't move the cursor initially (demand from function definition):
>      :func! MyFunc1() stay
> - make sure the function call doesn't move the cursor at all (demand
>    from caller):
>      :KeepView [range]call MyFunc2()    or
>      :[range]callkeepview MyFunc2()     ...

To specify “without cursormovement” at the function definition is an 
additional variation.  It could contribute to the target of maximum automation. 
Instead of “stay” I would suggest something easier to memorize, e.g.  


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