On Thu, January 17, 2013 21:09, Josh wrote:
> Sorry for bumping an old thread, but with the help of some clever folk,
> I've found out how to reproduce the issue:
> 1) Use terminal vim, NOT macvim
> 2) Run vim with `vim --noplugin -u NONE`
> 3)  Everything works as desired, yay!
> 3) Run `:set notimeout nottimeout`
> 4) Select some text and hit <esc>
> 5) Now you need to hit another key for a redraw
> I've found that setting `timeoutlen=1` is a good workaround, but this is
> still a bug, right?  Thanks for taking a look again!

Well don't do it then ;)

After setting timeout to off and hitting ESC Vim is still waiting for
you to press another key (and hasn't left visual mode yet, so there
is no reason to trigger a redraw yet).

Setting timout to off, means Vim needs to wait after hitting <ESC>
to see, which other key is pressed to know whether you really have hit
the <esc> key or just another key like the Cursor key (which
internally is just a mapped <Esc> sequence).


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