On Jan 21, 2013, at 7:24 AM, Christian Brabandt <cbli...@256bit.org> wrote:

> On Thu, January 17, 2013 21:09, Josh wrote:
>> Sorry for bumping an old thread, but with the help of some clever folk,
>> I've found out how to reproduce the issue:
>> 1) Use terminal vim, NOT macvim
>> 2) Run vim with `vim --noplugin -u NONE`
>> 3)  Everything works as desired, yay!
>> 3) Run `:set notimeout nottimeout`
>> 4) Select some text and hit <esc>
>> 5) Now you need to hit another key for a redraw
>> I've found that setting `timeoutlen=1` is a good workaround, but this is
>> still a bug, right?  Thanks for taking a look again!
> Well don't do it then ;)
> After setting timeout to off and hitting ESC Vim is still waiting for
> you to press another key (and hasn't left visual mode yet, so there
> is no reason to trigger a redraw yet).
> Setting timout to off, means Vim needs to wait after hitting <ESC>
> to see, which other key is pressed to know whether you really have hit
> the <esc> key or just another key like the Cursor key (which
> internally is just a mapped <Esc> sequence).
> regards,
> Christian
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Ahh, thanks for the explanation.  I think I get it now.  I just need to figure 
out what I'm losing now if I get rid of the timeout with `ttimeoutlen=0` or 
something :).  Docs'll help me w/that;  Thanks again!


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