On Thu, Nov 14, 2013 at 2:14 AM, Daniel Thau <dant...@bedrocklinux.org> wrote:
> Attached is a patch to add an 'autotextobject' setting which will treat
> undefined text-objects like quote text objects, using the provided
> character as bounds.  For example, with this setting if a user enters
> "di," with the cursor between two commas, the text between the commas
> will be removed.  This is very useful for editing lists.  Similarly, if
> one is composing TeX being able to quickly operate on the area between
> dollar signs is useful.  If one is editing snake_case_variables, being
> able to do a quick "ci_" is also nice.  The key here is that it happens
> on-the-fly with all as-of-yet-undefined objects without requiring the
> user consider every possible character he/she would be interested in
> ahead of time.
> Outside of documentation and adding the setting itself, the it is only a
> few additional lines of code.
> I've wanted this feature for a while; if there is anything else I should
> do to help get it upstreamed do let me know and I'll see what I can do.

Just to add a dissenting opinion. A feature that is easy to implement
isn't necessarily a good addition to core Vim. For me, the proposed
functionality is only marginally useful and just cries for a plugin
solution. It would be really easy to do, too.

Personally, I love to use a solid text object framework like


and choose for myself which special-case text object I need on top of
that. I like that Vim only has a few core text objects and lets me fill
in the rest.

By the way, "ii" is often used for "inner indent", which selects lines
with the same or greater amount of indentation as the current line:




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