On 15-Mar-2014 10:06 +0100, Andre Sihera wrote:

> Hi all,
> I have found an annoyance with the tab indenting (SHIFT + '>', SHIFT +
> '<') and
> was wondering if this was by design or should be fixed.
> My .vimrc contains the following:
>     set ts=4
>     set shiftwidth=4
> So, when I visually select a block of text and press SHIFT + '>' it will
> insert
> a tab on the left on each line and the block moves four characters to
> the right.
> However, this feature does not honour leading whitespace within each
> line. I use a
> mixture of tabs and whitespace to ensure that my code looks uniform on
> all platforms
> no matter what the tab size. However, the tab indent breaks this. For
> example,
> if I have the following text at ts=4 (a full stop "." character
> indicates a space):
> TAB>sprintf(szSomeVariable,
> TAB>........"Some text %i, %i, %i, %i\n",
> TAB>........some_very_long_expression_that_takes_up_most_of_the_line_#1,
> TAB>........some_very_long_expression_that_takes_up_most_of_the_line_#2,
> TAB>........some_very_long_expression_that_takes_up_most_of_the_line_#3,
> TAB>........some_very_long_expression_that_takes_up_most_of_the_line_#4);
> and I visually highlight the above block and press SHIFT + '>', I would
> expect
> it to look as follows:
> TAB>TAB>sprintf(szSomeVariable,
> TAB>TAB>........"Some text %i, %i, %i, %i\n",
> TAB>TAB>........some_very_long_expression_that_takes_up_most_of_the_line_#1,
> TAB>TAB>........some_very_long_expression_that_takes_up_most_of_the_line_#2,
> TAB>TAB>........some_very_long_expression_that_takes_up_most_of_the_line_#3,
> TAB>TAB>........some_very_long_expression_that_takes_up_most_of_the_line_#4);
> However, it actually looks like this:
> TAB>TAB>sprintf(szSomeVariable,
> TAB>TAB>TAB>TAB>"Some text %i, %i, %i, %i\n",
> TAB>TAB>TAB>TAB>some_very_long_expression_that_takes_up_most_of_the_line_#1,
> TAB>TAB>TAB>TAB>some_very_long_expression_that_takes_up_most_of_the_line_#2,
> TAB>TAB>TAB>TAB>some_very_long_expression_that_takes_up_most_of_the_line_#3,
> TAB>TAB>TAB>TAB>some_very_long_expression_that_takes_up_most_of_the_line_#4);
> i.e., ViM is being too clever and compressing all my whitespace into
> tabs when I
> didn't ask it to.
> Is this by design? Has it been fixed since my ancient version of ViM
> (7.3.475)?
> Did I miss something in the docs? Or is this just a "feature"?

I think you're looking for

    :set preserveindent copyindent

-- regards, ingo

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