Le samedi 15 mars 2014 08:15:34 UTC+1, LCD 47 a écrit :
> On 14 March 2014, <celel...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Le vendredi 14 mars 2014 21:13:09 UTC+1, LCD 47 a écrit :
> [...]
> > >     Your shell is probably linked against readline.  Readline
> > > interfering with curses is not unheard of. :)
> > 
> > Ok. I just re-did my tests by running:
> > xterm -e vim
> > xterm -e screen vim
> > xterm -tn screen -e vim
> > 
> > There should be no shell involved, right?
>     Right.
> > Of course screen uses ncurses, but it's how I want to use vim with
> > <S-PageUp> and <S-PageDown>.  But just to eliminate the possibility
> > of ncurses interfering, the third command run vim with environment
> > TERM=screen. Given that my screen terminfo contains the same entries
> > for the caps %e and %c (infos kPRV and kNXT) there should be no
> > difference, right?
> > I still observe the same behavior: works when TERM=xterm, not when
> > TERM=screen.
>     Well, comparing your terminfo entry for screen to the corresponding
> entry for xterm, there are plenty of differences:
>         $ infocmp -d screen xterm | fgrep -vw comparing | wc -l
>         100
>     I don't know enough about xterm to be able to tell which of these
> differences are relevant to your issue and which aren't, but it seems
> likely that some of them are, in fact, at fault here. *shrug*

I guess you didn't read the debian bug report where I say I tried to swap the 
content of the terminfo files. So let's try again without Screen or a shell.

$ infocmp -d xterm screen | grep -v comparing | wc -l
$ cp ~/.terminfo/s/screen ~/.terminfo/x/xterm
$ infocmp -d xterm screen | grep -v comparing | wc -l
$ cp /lib/terminfo/x/xterm ~/.terminfo/s/screen
$ infocmp -d xterm screen | grep -v comparing | wc -l

Whatever combination I try with the content of the terminfo files, the behavior 
is only related to the $TERM environment variable.

> [...]
> > >     Because Shift-PageUp and Shift-PageDown are typically bound to
> > > scroll-back(1, halfpage) and scroll-forw(1, halfpage).
> >
> > Yes they are. That's why I was talking about the key KP_Prior and not
> > Prior. I use the one on the numpad that actually generate the escape
> > sequence for %e and %c termcap.
> >
> > You may try with `xev' to see the symbol associated with the keys.
>     Ah, this is an entirely different world of pain you're bringing unto
> yourself here. :) I don't think even the unshifted keypad keys work well
> with the default Vim settings...

If I disable numlock, they work well because xterm produce the same escape 
sequence ^[[5~ for X events Prior and KP_Prior.

> [...]
> > Just to convince you, I tried your inoremap commands without the
> > XTerm resources. They generate "S-PageUp" and "S-PageDown" with the
> > PageUp key of the numpad. But, as expected, they do nothing with the
> > real PageUp keys (when I have one), or they scroll xterm if there is
> > something to scroll.
> >
> > However, when TERM=screen, the "buggy" behavior happen. It takes
> > ^[[5;2~ litteraly as <ESC>[5;2~. And Ctrl+K then Shift+KP_Prior
> > show: [5;2~.
> >
> > And I tried this without a shell as stated above.
>     I see.  Well, I don't have an explanation for this; it may be a bug
> in Vim, or a problem in your configuration.  I don't really care to find
> out; maybe somebody else does.  However, this seems to be a good enough
> workaround:
>       map  <Esc>[5;2~         <S-PageUp>
>       map  <Esc>[6;2~         <S-PageDown>
>       map! <Esc>[5;2~         <S-PageUp>
>       map! <Esc>[6;2~         <S-PageDown>
>     It works on my machine, with both TERM=screen and TERM=xterm.

Yes, I thought about it, but it's a bit ugly to put an escape sequence in my 
vimrc. I could set it only when term is screen, but I think it'd be better that 
vim does it by itself.


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