Hi Tim!

On Mi, 21 Jan 2015, Tim Lebedkov wrote:

> I did, but everything I hear is that the changes will be merged maybe
> in 2016 (and maybe not).

I can understand, that this is frustrating and I have felt the same, 
when I noticed, that some of my patches are still in the todo list (and 
get there buried...)

> What is your opinion as an active Vim developer? Are you OK with
> current state of the development model or do you think it should be
> changed (for example to be more like the Linux one)?

That would be nice, but is not the way it is. As such I try to help and 
fix problems as soon as I note so that it will be easier for Bram to 

In your case, I would probably maintain the installer separately, if 
this is possible. Be active, show support, fix problems, be gentle so 
that it is easier to gain confidence that you really like to help.

It has happened that people tried to push their patches, and once they 
were included they vanished and bugs were introduced that had to be 
fixed by Bram. So until you patch gets merged announce that you will 
publish your change e.g. at a certain github project were people can get 
compiled binaries that they can try out.

Try to get in contact with other people that provide binaries for 
windows like Steve Hall, or the tuxman 
(https://tuxproject.de/projects/vim/) or the guys behind 
https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/vim_use/l8TY2EiXNwk to see, if 
you all can contribute to improve the current state.

> > BTW: What kind of 1000 lines code change you are talking about?
> If my changes will be merged with speed of 20 lines every 2 years, it would
> take 100 years to merge 1000 lines.

Do you have that many changes, that you'd like to contribute?

Steigt Rauch aus meinem Tower, werd' ich lieber Bauer.

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