2015-01-22 19:24 GMT+03:00 Ben Fritz <fritzophre...@gmail.com>:

> On Thursday, January 22, 2015 at 10:11:40 AM UTC-6, ZyX wrote:
> > 2015-01-21 23:02 GMT+03:00 Ben Fritz <fritzophre...@gmail.com>:
> > >
> > > Many open-source projects do not accept major new features or
> > > potentially breaking changes except at minor or major version
> > > updates. Vim is the same way. 7.4.600 to 7.4.601 can fix bugs. 7.4
> > > to 7.5 can introduce big potentially breaking things.
> >
> > Hm. When was &breakindent patch merged? And a lot of updates to Python
> > interface (which did break some things) and new regexp engine? 7.3 to
> > 7.4 did not have a separate branch like 7.2 to 7.3 had, 7.4 already
> > includes some new features, including &breakindent, which have a
> > number of bugs.
> It's true, I spoke in generalities that are not true universally for all
> patches.
> But I have noticed that "big" changes (perhaps the installer update
> doesn't qualify as "big") don't normally get introduced in the patches.
> Feature additions that are stand-alone features that probably won't
> break too much get included all the time.
> As for the new regexp engine, yes it's true it was technically
> introduced in a series of patches without a branch as before. However,
> it was introduced explicitly for the 7.4 release, after Bram said "hey,
> let's do a 7.4 release, we already have a bunch of patches in 7.3".
> While *technically* it was a patch update, in reality it was part of the
> 7.4 development.
> That said, Bram: I'd suggest a branch leading up to 7.5/8.0 next time.
> Vim patches are normally pretty stable, and I think a lot of people
> depend on that, but the patches late in 7.3 (900 or so and up) tended to
> break things quite frequently, and it's confusing from the history when
> 7.4 development may have started.

As a powerline developer I can say that 7.3 to 7.4 migration is the most
popular source of valid Vim-related bug reports: while people reading
vim-dev are aware of its state, distribution maintainers were taking random
versions and making them default for Vim resulting in errors in powerline
which tried to use new API if possible (which eventually resulted in me
disabling the usage of the API completely for 7.3.*, except for `pyeval`).

> Also, I sure wouldn't complain if you started accepting code by pulling
> from clones in addition to the traditional patch method to encourage
> more active participation. I'm not *unhappy* with the current state, but
> I think people in this thread have a point that contributing could be a
> lot easier.

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