Bruno Sutic wrote:

> This is great news.
> From what I can tell, the reactions to this post on reddit vim group, twitter 
> and hacker news have been very positive.
> I volunteered to help in the previous thread about moving away from
> Google Code.. so if help is needed with drafting or testing new
> git-related help pages, I'm still in.
> The pages that will likely need git equivalents are:
> -
> -

Yes, we'll need to update this once it's working.  The current repo can
be used to try things out.  Just keep in mind that it's most likely
going to be wiped (esp. if I manage to make a mistake).  Some issues are
already outdated, need to re-import them.

We'll need a new page for git.  The mercurial page can be updated to
explain how to use Mercurial locally with github.  Feel free to propose
something, keeping the step-by-step style.

> I'm curious, when a switch is made, will Github's "pull request"
> feature be used? Or will code contributions still be done with patches
> via mailing list?
> I'd guess a move to "pull request" workflow will be done since it's so
> effortless on github, but maybe I'm jumping the gun here.

I'll consider pull requests a convenient way for people to make a patch
available.  We'll have to see how this can be copied to the vim-dev list
(without causing spamming).  It's possible to grab a diff of the pull
request, so I can at least keep working the old way.  Obviously pressing
the "merge" button won't work, it doesn't create a patch and makes
things go out of sync.  But several people consider the merge button a
bad idea anyway (pull requests are often unfinshed work).

ARTHUR: Charge!
   [They all charge with swords drawn towards the RABBIT.  A tremendous twenty
   second fight with Peckinpahish shots and borrowing heavily also on the
   Kung Fu and karate-type films ensues, in which some four KNIGHTS are
   comprehensively killed.]
ARTHUR: Run away!  Run away!
                 "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" PYTHON (MONTY) PICTURES LTD

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\\\  an exciting new programming language --        ///
 \\\            help me help AIDS victims --    ///

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