Let's have the hostmaster do this.

On Wed, Apr 29, 2015 at 7:42 AM, Marvin Renich <m...@renich.org> wrote:

> * MC Andre <andrew.penneba...@gmail.com> [150428 13:26]:
> > No, the point is for **newbies** to be able to reach vim.org and have
> > an automatic redirect to www.vim.org, without requiring any special
> > user configuration. Tips like "modify your hosts file" assume the user
> > is already an advanced user, defeating the whole purpose of this
> > request.
> >
> > Could the DNS admin please drop in whatever configuration is necessary
> > to achieve this redirect?
> No, the point is that in «http://example.org/some/page», example.org is
> a host name, not a domain name or service name.  This is by design.  The
> hostmaster is free to make www.example.org and example.org point to the
> same host, if he desires, but it is not now, nor ever has been,
> mandatory.  If you are given a URL, use it; don't strip the leading www.
> If you are not given a URL, Google for Vim to get the correct URL.  This
> is what I would expect a newbie to do.  I see nothing wrong with not
> having the domain name be a synonym for the web-serving host.
> This topic has been discussed on this list several times before, with
> the same answer every time.  If the hostmasters were so inclined, they
> would have changed this already.
> ...Marvin
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Andrew Pennebaker

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