在 2011年4月23日星期六 UTC+8上午8:22:06,Ben Schmidt写道:
> Jason wrote:
> > There is no A record for the domain name vim.org. That is,
> > this link shouldn't work:
> >
> > http://vim.org/
> That's correct, actually. Not only doesn't it work, but it shouldn't
> work. It is a shame people have abused DNS and expect it to work.
> Marc wrote:
> > There have been lot's of discussion about this on the mailinglist.
> > That this topic is being written about again and again is a reason to
> > change it. IMHO.
> To some extent, I agree. It'd be nice to 'fix' this, just to silence the
> noise on the mailing list.
> But how?
> We can't CNAME it; it would be against spec, and would break things. We
> can't add an A record, because sourceforge might change it under us
> and/or we don't know what magic they might be doing with load balancing,
> etc. that we would irresponsibly bypass if we did that.
> Perhaps the simplest thing is to get some cheap 'DNS hosting' that
> offers a 'redirect' function. Basically the function just has a server
> listen on port 80 for requests and return a 3xx (preferably 301 in our
> case) redirect (to http://www.vim.org/ in our case) whenever it gets
> one. No smart URL rewriting or anything. We might already have it (it
> commonly is included with domain names in my experience) and just need
> to set it up. If not, in my experience, it's very cheap, something like
> a year's worth of hosting for the price of a glass of fruit juice.
> Because it's actually a webserver, not done in DNS, it bypasses the
> DNS-related difficulties, and because it's such a simple task and it
> should be low-traffic anyway, loading isn't an issue.
> Ben.

I know wwwizer provides a server for this, just point vim.org to, it'll do a 301 redirection to www.vim.org

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