Christian Brabandt wrote:
> Hi Yegappan!
> On Fr, 29 Jul 2016, Yegappan Lakshmanan wrote:
>> Hi Christian,
>> On Thu, Jul 28, 2016 at 11:16 PM, Christian Brabandt <> 
>> wrote:
>>> On Do, 28 Jul 2016, Bram Moolenaar wrote:
>>>> I think it should.  Most users will have 'wrapscan' on, since it is the
>>>> default.  If someone switches it off he must have a reason for it.
>>> okay, fixed with the latest version
>> I tested the latest patch and the confirmed that the problems I reported 
>> earlier
>> are fixed. I saw some new issues. Take the following text:
>>   1
>>   2 these
>>   3 the
>>   4 their
>>   5 there
>>   6 their
>>   7 the
>>   8 them
>>   9 these
>> The cursor is in line 1 and I have 'nowrapscan' set. I search for "the" and
>> press CTRL-N 7 times and "the" in "these" is highlighted. Now I press
>> CTRL-L to copy "s" and then erase it. Now if I press CTRL-P, I expect
>> that the cursor will move to line 8. Instead the cursor moves to line 7.
>> Another problem: Place the cursor in line 1. Enter "/thes" and then press
>> CTRL-N. The "thes" in line 9 is highlighted. Now if you press backspace,
>> the cursor jumps back to line 3. I expected that the cursor will remain
>> in line 9.
> Thanks, will look at these and add some tests.
>> I think, the CTRL-N and CTRL-P should respect the search direction.
>> For example, if I search a pattern using "?text", pressing CTRL-N
>> should search backwards. Currently CTRL-N always searches
>> forward (irrespective of the search direction). Note that this is
>> different from how "n" and "N" work.
> Please don't make me do this. Currently the inconsistent search 
> direction is one of my biggest annoyances of Vim. I really really really 
> hate it, that I can't rely on the fact that N searches backwards and n 
> forward.
> (I even made a patch, to make this configurable 
> and this is one of the reasons, I made gn always search forward).
That's because, Christian, you keep your eyes on the front of your
head.  You need to move them to back of your head occasionally, and that
way you'll get used to the idea.

Chip Campbell

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