Hi Christian,

On Fri, Jul 29, 2016 at 11:03 AM, Christian Brabandt <cbli...@256bit.org> wrote:
>> On Thu, Jul 28, 2016 at 11:16 PM, Christian Brabandt <cbli...@256bit.org> 
>> wrote:
>> > On Do, 28 Jul 2016, Bram Moolenaar wrote:
>> >
>> >> I think it should.  Most users will have 'wrapscan' on, since it is the
>> >> default.  If someone switches it off he must have a reason for it.
>> >
>> > okay, fixed with the latest version
>> >
>> I tested the latest patch and the confirmed that the problems I reported 
>> earlier
>> are fixed. I saw some new issues. Take the following text:
>>   1
>>   2 these
>>   3 the
>>   4 their
>>   5 there
>>   6 their
>>   7 the
>>   8 them
>>   9 these
>> The cursor is in line 1 and I have 'nowrapscan' set. I search for "the" and
>> press CTRL-N 7 times and "the" in "these" is highlighted. Now I press
>> CTRL-L to copy "s" and then erase it. Now if I press CTRL-P, I expect
>> that the cursor will move to line 8. Instead the cursor moves to line 7.
>> Another problem: Place the cursor in line 1. Enter "/thes" and then press
>> CTRL-N. The "thes" in line 9 is highlighted. Now if you press backspace,
>> the cursor jumps back to line 3. I expected that the cursor will remain
>> in line 9.
> Thanks, will look at these and add some tests.
>> I think, the CTRL-N and CTRL-P should respect the search direction.
>> For example, if I search a pattern using "?text", pressing CTRL-N
>> should search backwards. Currently CTRL-N always searches
>> forward (irrespective of the search direction). Note that this is
>> different from how "n" and "N" work.
> Please don't make me do this. Currently the inconsistent search
> direction is one of my biggest annoyances of Vim. I really really really
> hate it, that I can't rely on the fact that N searches backwards and n
> forward.

I don't have any preference between the two options. I was just pointing
out the deviation from the behavior of 'n' and 'N' commands.


> (I even made a patch, to make this configurable
> https://github.com/chrisbra/vim-mq-patches/blob/master/cpo-N
> and this is one of the reasons, I made gn always search forward).
>> A typo: The help text in cmdline.txt for CTRL-P refers to CTRL-N.
>>    the current match is displayed then CTRL-N will move
>>    to the previous match
> Will fix, thanks.

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