On Wed, Aug 17, 2016 at 3:48 AM, LCD 47 <lcd...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 16 August 2016, Yegappan Lakshmanan <yegapp...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I am in particular interested in any comments/suggestions about the
> following
> > new functions:
> >
> > getbufinfo()
>     From the manual:
> :               Each returned List item is a dictionary with the following
> :               entries:
> :                       changed         TRUE if the buffer is modified.
> :                       changedtick     number of changes made to the
> buffer.
> :                       hidden          TRUE if the buffer is hidden.
> :                       listed          TRUE if the buffer is listed.
> :                       lnum            current line number in buffer.
> :                       loaded          TRUE if the buffer is loaded.
> :                       name            full path to the file in the
> buffer.
> :                       nr              buffer number.
> :                       options         dictionary of buffer local options.
> :                       signs           list of signs placed in the buffer.
> :                                       Each list item is a dictionary with
> :                                       the following fields:
> :                                           id    sign identifier
> :                                           lnum  line number
> :                                           name  sign name
> :                       variables       dictionary of buffer local
> variables.
> :                       windows         list of window IDs with this buffer
>     "options", "signs", and "variables" return lists that are potentially
> huge.  Perhaps there should be a way to tell getbufinfo() to skip these
> lists;
> otherwise plugins would just avoid calling this function, for performance
> reasons.

I was about to make a similar suggestion.  As it is now, the docs claim
that the "options" dictionary will only contain buffer-local options.  But
this is a bit misleading.  That dictionary will hold the values of the
so-called "global-local" options, even when the local value doesn't differ
from the global one.

For example, in my vimrc I have ":set stl=blah", and nowhere do I have
":setlocal stl=blah"; yet my entire statusline string appears in the
"options" dictionary.  This is very unexpected.  For an even more annoying
example, the entire gigantic string for "&lispwords"---an option I have
never touched in my life---appears in the options dict, because &lispwords
is global-local.  I think it should not appear there unless the user has
(in that buffer) set the local value to something different from the global

Also I'm not sure why the get*info() functions have a "variables" dict,
since there is already get*var() and one can call get*var() on whatever
bufs/wins/tabs are returned by get*info().

It would probably be nice if there were also analogous get*options()
functions.  Then the "variables" and "options" dicts could both be removed
from get*info(), and that would make get*info() return lighter lists.

In summary, I think the get*info() functions would be improved by (1) not
including global-local options in the "options" dict unless the local
values differ from the global ones; (2) eliminating the "variables"
dictionary, since that information is easily found by combining get*info()
with get*var().


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