On 08/17/2016 12:00 AM, Yegappan Lakshmanan wrote:
> I am in particular interested in any comments/suggestions about the
> new functions:
> getbufinfo()
> gettabinfo()
> getwininfo()
> getqflist()
> setqflist()
> getcompletion()

I've got some custom functions in my .vimrc related to QuickFix
and Location List windows.  They are clunky and inefficient
because as far as I can tell, Vim doesn't expose quite enough
information.  I've included the functions below for reference.

I haven't been able to track all of the new developments, but
perhaps someone can say whether there is a better way than the
below functions (either with pre-existing or recently added Vim
functionality).  I'd like functions that:

- Return True if a given window is a QuickFix or Location List
  window.  (Both types of window have &buftype == "quickfix".)

- Return True if the QuickFix is window open.

- Return True if the Location List window is open for a given

- Return the window number of the QuickFix window (0 if not

- Return the window number of the associated Location List
  for a given window (0 if not open).

When the current window has ``&buftype == "quickfix"``, I'd
originally tried to determine whether it was a QuickFix window
or a Location List using ``getloclist(0)``.  I'd wanted to say
``isLocationList = (getloclist(0) > 0)``, but that fails when
it's a Location List that happens to be empty, so I resorted to
the uglier hacks you see below.

I thought I'd seen some activity along these lines that might
expose the details directly, but I haven't been keeping up with
all of the new changes.

Michael Henry

Sample functions for reference

" Return 1 if current window is the QuickFix window.
function! IsQuickFixWin()
    if &buftype == "quickfix"
        " This is either a QuickFix window or a Location List window.
        " Try to open a location list; if this window *is* a location list,
        " then this will succeed and the focus will stay on this window.
        " If this is a QuickFix window, there will be an exception and the
        " focus will stay on this window.
            noautocmd lopen
        catch /E776:/
            " This was a QuickFix window.
            return 1
    return 0

" Return 1 if current window is a Location List window.
function! IsLocListWin()
    return (&buftype == "quickfix" && !IsQuickFixWin())

" Return window number of QuickFix buffer (or zero if not found).
function! GetQuickFixWinNum()
    let qfWinNum = 0
    let curWinNum = winnr()
    for winNum in range(1, winnr("$"))
        execute "noautocmd " . winNum . "wincmd w"
        if IsQuickFixWin()
            let qfWinNum = winNum
    execute "noautocmd " . curWinNum . "wincmd w"
    return qfWinNum

" Return 1 if the QuickFix window is open.
function! QuickFixWinIsOpen()
    return GetQuickFixWinNum() > 0

" Return 1 if current window's location list window is open.
function! LocListWinIsOpen()
    let curWinNum = winnr()
    let numOpenWindows = winnr("$")
    " Assume location list window is already open.
    let isOpen = 1
        noautocmd lopen
    catch /E776:/
        " No location list available; nothing was changed.
        let isOpen = 0
    if numOpenWindows != winnr("$")
        " We just opened a new location list window.  Revert to original
        " window and close the newly opened window.
        noautocmd wincmd p
        noautocmd lclose
        let isOpen = 0
    return isOpen

" Open Quickfix window (if not already open).
function! Copen()
    if !QuickFixWinIsOpen()
        execute "silent botright copen " . g:QuickFixWinHeight

" Open QuickFix window using standard position and height.
command! -bar Copen  call Copen()

" Open Location List window (if not already open).
function! Lopen()
    if !LocListWinIsOpen()
        execute "silent lopen " . g:LocListWinHeight

" Open Location List window using standard height.
command! -bar Lopen  call Lopen()

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