On 08/18/2016 02:11 PM, Yegappan Lakshmanan wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 18, 2016 at 5:48 AM, Michael Henry <v...@drmikehenry.com>
>> I was trying to find something in the help regarding the meaning
>> of a "window id".  Though there are several functions that
>> accept and return these, I can't find anything that defines
>> them.
> The window identifier is described in windows.txt. I am copying
> the description below:

Thanks; that's exactly what I was hunting.  I've figured out why
I couldn't find it in the help.  I'd done the following two
searches that didn't turn up any hits in windows.txt::

  :helpgrep winid
  :helpgrep window.id

I hadn't realized that :helpgrep doesn't pay attention to
'ignorecase', which I've set in my .vimrc.  I've since learned
from the help on :helpgrep that I should have been using ``\c``
to get case-ignoring behavior like this::

  :helpgrep \cwindow.id

That finds the sole hit for "window ID" in windows.txt.

Thanks again,
Michael Henry

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