Patch 8.0.0019
Problem:    Test_command_count is old style.
Solution:   Turn it into a new style test. (Naruhiko Nishino)
            Use more assert functions.
Files:      src/Makefile, src/testdir/Make_all.mak, src/testdir/test_alot.vim,
            src/testdir/test_autocmd.vim, src/testdir/,

*** ../vim-8.0.0018/src/Makefile        2016-09-26 20:14:49.921906772 +0200
--- src/Makefile        2016-09-29 19:23:13.153274891 +0200
*** 2028,2034 ****
        test_breakindent \
        test_changelist \
        test_close_count \
-       test_command_count \
        test_comparators \
        test_erasebackword \
        test_eval \
--- 2028,2033 ----
*** 2066,2071 ****
--- 2065,2071 ----
        test_channel \
        test_charsearch \
        test_cmdline \
+       test_command_count \
        test_crypt \
        test_cscope \
        test_cursor_func \
*** ../vim-8.0.0018/src/testdir/Make_all.mak    2016-09-26 20:14:49.921906772 
--- src/testdir/Make_all.mak    2016-09-29 19:11:33.650159645 +0200
*** 79,85 ****
        test_breakindent.out \
        test_changelist.out \
        test_close_count.out \
-       test_command_count.out \
        test_comparators.out \
        test_erasebackword.out \
        test_eval.out \
--- 79,84 ----
*** ../vim-8.0.0018/src/testdir/test_alot.vim   2016-09-11 14:34:48.000000000 
--- src/testdir/test_alot.vim   2016-09-29 19:11:33.650159645 +0200
*** 3,8 ****
--- 3,9 ----
  source test_assign.vim
  source test_autocmd.vim
+ source test_command_count.vim
  source test_cursor_func.vim
  source test_delete.vim
  source test_execute_func.vim
*** ../vim-8.0.0018/src/testdir/test_autocmd.vim        2016-09-08 
22:06:01.000000000 +0200
--- src/testdir/test_autocmd.vim        2016-09-29 19:11:33.650159645 +0200
*** 1,5 ****
--- 1,13 ----
  " Tests for autocommands
+ function! s:cleanup_buffers() abort
+   for bnr in range(1, bufnr('$'))
+     if bufloaded(bnr) && bufnr('%') != bnr
+       execute 'bd! ' . bnr
+     endif
+   endfor
+ endfunction
  func Test_vim_did_enter()
    call assert_false(v:vim_did_enter)
*** 254,259 ****
--- 262,270 ----
  " Tests for autocommands on :close command.
  " This used to be in test13.
  func Test_three_windows()
+   " Clean up buffers, because in some cases this function fails.
+   call s:cleanup_buffers()
    " Write three files and open them, each in a window.
    " Then go to next window, with autocommand that deletes the previous one.
    " Do this twice, writing the file.
*** ../vim-8.0.0018/src/testdir/   2015-02-27 
20:03:15.000000000 +0100
--- src/testdir/   1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
*** 1,158 ****
- Test for user command counts      vim: set ft=vim :
- :so small.vim
- :lang C
- :let g:lines = []
- :com -range=% RangeLines :call add(g:lines, 'RangeLines '.<line1>.' '.<line2>)
- :com -range -addr=arguments RangeArguments :call add(g:lines, 'RangeArguments 
'.<line1>.' '.<line2>)
- :com -range=% -addr=arguments RangeArgumentsAll :call add(g:lines, 
'RangeArgumentsAll '.<line1>.' '.<line2>)
- :com -range -addr=loaded_buffers RangeLoadedBuffers :call add(g:lines, 
'RangeLoadedBuffers '.<line1>.' '.<line2>)
- :com -range=% -addr=loaded_buffers RangeLoadedBuffersAll :call add(g:lines, 
'RangeLoadedBuffersAll '.<line1>.' '.<line2>)
- :com -range -addr=buffers RangeBuffers :call add(g:lines, 'RangeBuffers 
'.<line1>.' '.<line2>)
- :com -range=% -addr=buffers RangeBuffersAll :call add(g:lines, 
'RangeBuffersAll '.<line1>.' '.<line2>)
- :com -range -addr=windows RangeWindows :call add(g:lines, 'RangeWindows 
'.<line1>.' '.<line2>)
- :com -range=% -addr=windows RangeWindowsAll :call add(g:lines, 
'RangeWindowsAll '.<line1>.' '.<line2>)
- :com -range -addr=tabs RangeTabs :call add(g:lines, 'RangeTabs '.<line1>.' 
- :com -range=% -addr=tabs RangeTabsAll :call add(g:lines, 'RangeTabsAll 
'.<line1>.' '.<line2>)
- :set hidden
- :arga a b c d
- :argdo echo "loading buffers"
- :argu 3
- :.-,$-RangeArguments
- :%RangeArguments
- :RangeArgumentsAll
- :N
- :.RangeArguments
- :split|split|split|split
- :3wincmd w
- :.,$RangeWindows
- :%RangeWindows
- :RangeWindowsAll
- :only
- :blast|bd
- :.,$RangeLoadedBuffers
- :%RangeLoadedBuffers
- :RangeLoadedBuffersAll
- :.,$RangeBuffers
- :%RangeBuffers
- :RangeBuffersAll
- :tabe|tabe|tabe|tabe
- :normal 2gt
- :.,$RangeTabs
- :%RangeTabs
- :RangeTabsAll
- :1tabonly
- :s/\n/\r\r\r\r\r/
- :2ma<
- :$-ma>
- :'<,'>RangeLines
- :com -range=% -buffer LocalRangeLines :call add(g:lines, 'LocalRangeLines 
'.<line1>.' '.<line2>)
- :'<,'>LocalRangeLines
- :b1
- :call add(g:lines, '')
- :%argd
- :arga a b c d
- :let v:errmsg = ''
- :5argu
- :call add(g:lines, '5argu ' . v:errmsg)
- :$argu
- :call add(g:lines, '4argu ' . expand('%:t'))
- :let v:errmsg = ''
- :1argu
- :call add(g:lines, '1argu ' . expand('%:t'))
- :let v:errmsg = ''
- :100b
- :call add(g:lines, '100b ' . v:errmsg)
- :split|split|split|split
- :let v:errmsg = ''
- :0close
- :call add(g:lines, '0close ' . v:errmsg)
- :$wincmd w
- :$close
- :call add(g:lines, '$close ' . winnr())
- :let v:errmsg = ''
- :$+close
- :call add(g:lines, '$+close ' . v:errmsg)
- :$tabe
- :call add(g:lines, '$tabe ' . tabpagenr())
- :let v:errmsg = ''
- :$+tabe
- :call add(g:lines, '$+tabe ' . v:errmsg)
- :only!
- :e x
- :0tabm
- :normal 1gt
- :call add(g:lines, '0tabm ' . expand('%:t'))
- :tabonly!
- :only!
- :e! test.out
- :call append(0, g:lines)
- :unlet g:lines
- :w|bd
- :b1
- :let g:lines = []
- :func BufStatus()
- :  call add(g:lines, 'aaa: ' . buflisted(g:buf_aaa) . ' bbb: ' . 
buflisted(g:buf_bbb) . ' ccc: ' . buflisted(g:buf_ccc))
- :endfunc
- :se nohidden
- :e aaa
- :let buf_aaa = bufnr('%')
- :e bbb
- :let buf_bbb = bufnr('%')
- :e ccc
- :let buf_ccc = bufnr('%')
- :b1
- :call BufStatus()
- :exe buf_bbb . "," . buf_ccc . "bdelete"
- :call BufStatus()
- :exe buf_aaa . "bdelete"
- :call BufStatus()
- :e! test.out
- :call append('$', g:lines)
- :unlet g:lines
- :delfunc BufStatus
- :w|bd
- :b1
- :se hidden
- :only!
- :let g:lines = []
- :%argd
- :arga a b c d e f
- :3argu
- :let args = ''
- :.,$-argdo let args .= ' '.expand('%')
- :call add(g:lines, 'argdo:' . args)
- :split|split|split|split
- :2wincmd w
- :let windows = ''
- :.,$-windo let windows .= ' '.winnr()
- :call add(g:lines, 'windo:'. windows)
- :b2
- :let buffers = ''
- :.,$-bufdo let buffers .= ' '.bufnr('%')
- :call add(g:lines, 'bufdo:' . buffers)
- :3bd
- :let buffers = ''
- :3,7bufdo let buffers .= ' '.bufnr('%')
- :call add(g:lines, 'bufdo:' . buffers)
- :tabe|tabe|tabe|tabe
- :normal! 2gt
- :let tabpages = ''
- :.,$-tabdo let tabpages .= ' '.tabpagenr()
- :call add(g:lines, 'tabdo:' . tabpages)
- :e! test.out
- :call append('$', g:lines)
- :w|qa!
--- 0 ----
*** ../vim-8.0.0018/src/testdir/test_command_count.ok   2015-02-27 
20:03:15.000000000 +0100
--- src/testdir/test_command_count.ok   1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
*** 1,38 ****
- RangeArguments 2 4
- RangeArguments 1 5
- RangeArgumentsAll 1 5
- RangeArguments 2 2
- RangeWindows 3 5
- RangeWindows 1 5
- RangeWindowsAll 1 5
- RangeLoadedBuffers 2 4
- RangeLoadedBuffers 1 4
- RangeLoadedBuffersAll 1 4
- RangeBuffers 2 5
- RangeBuffers 1 5
- RangeBuffersAll 1 5
- RangeTabs 2 5
- RangeTabs 1 5
- RangeTabsAll 1 5
- RangeLines 2 5
- LocalRangeLines 2 5
- 5argu E16: Invalid range
- 4argu d
- 1argu a
- 100b E16: Invalid range
- 0close 
- $close 3
- $+close E16: Invalid range
- $tabe 2
- $+tabe E16: Invalid range
- 0tabm x
- aaa: 1 bbb: 1 ccc: 1
- aaa: 1 bbb: 0 ccc: 0
- aaa: 0 bbb: 0 ccc: 0
- argdo: c d e
- windo: 2 3 4
- bufdo: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 15
- bufdo: 4 5 6 7
- tabdo: 2 3 4
--- 0 ----
*** ../vim-8.0.0018/src/testdir/test_command_count.vim  2016-09-29 
20:53:54.971440078 +0200
--- src/testdir/test_command_count.vim  2016-09-29 20:49:32.317263612 +0200
*** 0 ****
--- 1,191 ----
+ " Test for user command counts.
+ func Test_command_count_0()
+   set hidden
+   set noswapfile
+   split DoesNotExistEver
+   let lastbuf = bufnr('$')
+   call setline(1, 'asdf')
+   quit!
+   command! -range -addr=loaded_buffers RangeLoadedBuffers :let lines = 
[<line1>, <line2>]
+   command! -range=% -addr=loaded_buffers RangeLoadedBuffersAll :let lines = 
[<line1>, <line2>]
+   command! -range -addr=buffers RangeBuffers :let lines = [<line1>, <line2>]
+   command! -range=% -addr=buffers RangeBuffersAll :let lines = [<line1>, 
+   .,$RangeLoadedBuffers
+   call assert_equal([1, 1], lines)
+   %RangeLoadedBuffers
+   call assert_equal([1, 1], lines)
+   RangeLoadedBuffersAll
+   call assert_equal([1, 1], lines)
+   .,$RangeBuffers
+   call assert_equal([1, lastbuf], lines)
+   %RangeBuffers
+   call assert_equal([1, lastbuf], lines)
+   RangeBuffersAll
+   call assert_equal([1, lastbuf], lines)
+   delcommand RangeLoadedBuffers
+   delcommand RangeLoadedBuffersAll
+   delcommand RangeBuffers
+   delcommand RangeBuffersAll
+   set hidden&
+   set swapfile&
+ endfunc
+ func Test_command_count_1()
+   silent! %argd
+   arga a b c d e
+   argdo echo "loading buffers"
+   argu 3
+   command! -range -addr=arguments RangeArguments :let lines = [<line1>, 
+   command! -range=% -addr=arguments RangeArgumentsAll :let lines = [<line1>, 
+   .-,$-RangeArguments
+   call assert_equal([2, 4], lines)
+   %RangeArguments
+   call assert_equal([1, 5], lines)
+   RangeArgumentsAll
+   call assert_equal([1, 5], lines)
+   N
+   .RangeArguments
+   call assert_equal([2, 2], lines)
+   delcommand RangeArguments
+   delcommand RangeArgumentsAll
+   split|split|split|split
+   3wincmd w
+   command! -range -addr=windows RangeWindows :let lines = [<line1>, <line2>]
+   .,$RangeWindows
+   call assert_equal([3, 5], lines)
+   %RangeWindows
+   call assert_equal([1, 5], lines)
+   delcommand RangeWindows
+   command! -range=% -addr=windows RangeWindowsAll :let lines = [<line1>, 
+   RangeWindowsAll
+   call assert_equal([1, 5], lines)
+   delcommand RangeWindowsAll
+   only
+   blast|bd
+   tabe|tabe|tabe|tabe
+   normal 2gt
+   command! -range -addr=tabs RangeTabs :let lines = [<line1>, <line2>]
+   .,$RangeTabs
+   call assert_equal([2, 5], lines)
+   %RangeTabs
+   call assert_equal([1, 5], lines)
+   delcommand RangeTabs
+   command! -range=% -addr=tabs RangeTabsAll :let lines = [<line1>, <line2>]
+   RangeTabsAll
+   call assert_equal([1, 5], lines)
+   delcommand RangeTabsAll
+   1tabonly
+   s/\n/\r\r\r\r\r/
+   2ma<
+   $-ma>
+   command! -range=% RangeLines :let lines = [<line1>, <line2>]
+   '<,'>RangeLines
+   call assert_equal([2, 5], lines)
+   delcommand RangeLines
+   command! -range=% -buffer LocalRangeLines :let lines = [<line1>, <line2>]
+   '<,'>LocalRangeLines
+   call assert_equal([2, 5], lines)
+   delcommand LocalRangeLines
+ endfunc
+ func Test_command_count_2()
+   silent! %argd
+   arga a b c d
+   call assert_fails('5argu', 'E16:')
+   $argu
+   call assert_equal('d', expand('%:t'))
+   1argu
+   call assert_equal('a', expand('%:t'))
+   call assert_fails('300b', 'E16:')
+   split|split|split|split
+   0close
+   $wincmd w
+   $close
+   call assert_equal(3, winnr())
+   call assert_fails('$+close', 'E16:')
+   $tabe
+   call assert_equal(2, tabpagenr())
+   call assert_fails('$+tabe', 'E16:')
+   only!
+   e x
+   0tabm
+   normal 1gt
+   call assert_equal('x', expand('%:t'))
+   tabonly!
+   only!
+ endfunc
+ func Test_command_count_3()
+   se nohidden
+   e aaa
+   let buf_aaa = bufnr('%')
+   e bbb
+   let buf_bbb = bufnr('%')
+   e ccc
+   let buf_ccc = bufnr('%')
+   buf 1
+   call assert_equal([1, 1, 1], [buflisted(buf_aaa), buflisted(buf_bbb), 
+   exe buf_bbb . "," . buf_ccc . "bdelete"
+   call assert_equal([1, 0, 0], [buflisted(buf_aaa), buflisted(buf_bbb), 
+   exe buf_aaa . "bdelete"
+   call assert_equal([0, 0, 0], [buflisted(buf_aaa), buflisted(buf_bbb), 
+ endfunc
+ func Test_command_count_4()
+   %argd
+   let bufnr = bufnr('$') + 1
+   arga aa bb cc dd ee ff
+   3argu
+   let args = []
+   .,$-argdo call add(args, expand('%'))
+   call assert_equal(['cc', 'dd', 'ee'], args)
+   " create windows to get 5
+   split|split|split|split
+   2wincmd w
+   let windows = []
+   .,$-windo call add(windows, winnr())
+   call assert_equal([2, 3, 4], windows)
+   only!
+   exe bufnr . 'buf'
+   let buffers = []
+   .,$-bufdo call add(buffers, bufnr('%'))
+   call assert_equal([bufnr, bufnr + 1, bufnr + 2, bufnr + 3, bufnr + 4], 
+   exe (bufnr + 3) . 'bdel'
+   let buffers = []
+   exe (bufnr + 2) . ',' . (bufnr + 5) . "bufdo call add(buffers, bufnr('%'))"
+   call assert_equal([bufnr + 2, bufnr + 4, bufnr +  5], buffers)
+   " create tabpages to get 5
+   tabe|tabe|tabe|tabe
+   normal! 2gt
+   let tabpages = []
+   .,$-tabdo call add(tabpages, tabpagenr())
+   call assert_equal([2, 3, 4], tabpages)
+   tabonly!
+   bwipe!
+ endfunc
*** ../vim-8.0.0018/src/version.c       2016-09-29 15:18:51.359768012 +0200
--- src/version.c       2016-09-29 20:50:17.684948652 +0200
*** 766,767 ****
--- 766,769 ----
  {   /* Add new patch number below this line */
+ /**/
+     19,

A computer programmer is a device for turning requirements into
undocumented features.  It runs on cola, pizza and Dilbert cartoons.
                                        Bram Moolenaar

 /// Bram Moolenaar -- --   \\\
///        sponsor Vim, vote for features -- \\\
\\\  an exciting new programming language --        ///
 \\\            help me help AIDS victims --    ///

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