On 2017-11-02, James McCoy wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 02, 2017 at 04:03:32PM -0700, Gary Johnson wrote:
> > I opened an xterm and dragged it to the full width of my two
> > monitors.
> > 
> >     $ echo $LINES $COLUMNS
> >     50 370
> Vim must not be detecting that your terminal can support newer mouse
> addressing modes like urxvt or sgr.  See :help 'ttymouse'.  When
> 'ttymouse' isn't urxvt or sgr, then you run into the 223 column
> limitation of the old addressing style.
> You should be able to use ttymouse=sgr, assuming you have an xterm
> version > 277.


My xterm version is 318.  Thanks for the suggestion, though.

If if matters, I'm running X on Linux remotely from a Windows
7 machine using TigerVNC.


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