On Sat,08.Nov.08, 22:17:42, Bram Moolenaar wrote:
> > and now I have a working spellfile (before that it was using only the 
> > .aff file to build the .spl). Could you please replace the file on 
> > ftp.vim.org with one built from the wordlist indicated by me? The old 
> > file is plain useless (actually it could be doing more harm then good).
> To be able to allow everybody to reproduce the .spl file we need to
> write a .aap file that does the work.  It basically does all the work
> that you would do manually.  In this case it would also do the
> conversion from utf-8 to iso-8859-2 to make a spell file in that
> encoding.  

No, please don't. The new diacritics (șțȘȚ) can not be represented in 
ISO-8859-2, they need UTF-8. Only the -cedilla wordlist uses them, but 
we (as in the Romanian FLOSS community) are trying to switch to the new 

Even MS (responsible for creating the old/wrong diacritics (şŞţŢ)) is 
using the correct ones in Vista and there is an update available for XP.

> Do you think you can write this .aap file?  You can use the
> files of other languages as an example.  If not then I can put it on my
> todo list (which probably means it will take a couple of months before I
> get to it).

I'll see what I can do about it, but no promises. Better do put it on 
your TODO list, just in case I'm too busy. The spare time I have now I 
tend to use for translation work for the Debian Lenny release, which 
should happen Real Soon Now (tm).

If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough.
(Albert Einstein)

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