On Dec 31 2008, 7:41 pm, Gary Johnson <garyj...@spk.agilent.com>
> On 2008-12-31, Hunt Jon wrote:

> If you want bash to do more than it does now when run from
> Vim, put those extra shell commands and settings in your
> ~/.bashrc file.  I wouldn't think you'd need to make all the
> settings in your ~/.profile every time you launch a new shell,
> since that file should have been sourced when you first logged
> in to your computer and those settings should already be in
> the environment from which Vim was launched, but I'm not
> familiar with Macs and how their OS might differ from
> "standard" Unix.

I've had problems with this under Solaris and Linux.  As long as
vim or gvim are launched from the command line of an active
shell (e.g. from an xterm), no problem, but when you start
configuring menu entries and click-on icons, it's not always
clear what the environment is when starting the program.  What I
often end up doing is writing a small shell script to start the
program, after having set whatever needs to be set (generally by
sourcing .bashrc---this isn't an interactive shell), and
configuring the menu entry or button to invoke this script.

James Kanze (GABI Software)             email:james.ka...@gmail.com
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                   Beratung in objektorientierter Datenverarbeitung
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