See this post:

which summarizes the common ways to fix this problem on OS X.

Especially because the most recent MacVim snapshot has updated its file 
association database significantly, the best choice is just to use MacVim.

As discussed elsewhere in this thread, starting vim (or gvim) from the 
Terminal should always land you in the right PATH. If you're starting 
gvim or mvim from a launcher, using or (or just MacVim 
in general) is the best way to go. If you're starting Terminal vim from 
a launcher, you should wrap it in a login shell

        bash -lc vim

That's effectively how MacVim solves the problem with its instances of vim.


On 12/31/08 5:32 AM, Hunt Jon wrote:
> Hi
> I'm using a Mac and VIM, which comes by default. If I run ":shell",
> the shell doesn't seem to read any shell startup files such as
> .bash_login, .profile or .bash_profile.
> The prompt just says: "bash-3.2$", which is different from what I get
> when I open a Terminal window.
> Is there any way to VIM to read my startup files?
> John
> >

Ted Pavlic <>

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