On 20/01/09 22:27, Dimitris Mandalidis wrote:
> Hello,
> ~/.vimrc part follows:
> [...]
> set enc=utf-8
> set tenc=utf-8
> set fileencodings=ucs-bom,utf-8,iso-8859-7,ascii
> [...]
> I 've the following problem, I saw in the :help that when the fenc != enc
> condition is satisfied vim will internally convert text (I suppose in
> utf-8) for both reading and writing.
> When editing a file that is recognized to be in utf-8 (as :se fenc says)
> the above works like as it states. However, when I try to edit a file
> recognized (correctly) as iso-8859-7, no conversion is taking place
> resulting in unreadable output.
> The above was tested against vim-7.2 and vim-7.2.021 and my locale is
> el_GR.UTF-8.
> What I 'm missing?
> Thanks,
> D.

Are you sure the file is actually in ISO-8859-7? If it is,

        :e ++enc=iso-8859-7 filename.ext

should display it correctly.

Or you could try

        :e ++enc=latin1 filename.ext

to have each byte mapped to the character of that value (from 0x00 
mapped to U+0000 control character (NULL) to 0xFF mapped to U+00FF LATIN 
SMALL LETTER Y WITH DAERESIS). Then hitting ga would tell you the value 
of the byte under the cursor, which might help you reconstruct what byte 
value is used at which point in the file, and possibly deduce what 
encoding was actually used on disk.

Best regards,
If you think the United States has stood still, who built the largest
shopping center in the world?
                -- Richard Nixon

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