On 09/04/09 00:34, Mr.SpOOn wrote:
> 2009/4/8 Matt Wozniski<m...@drexel.edu>:
>> Is it normal that syntax highlighting an empty file takes 10 seconds?
>> Of course not!
> Yes, right. Of course not. I asked a silly question, and I got a silly answer.
> Any idea about what can possibly be the cause of the delay?

You should NEVER modify or remove ANY files in $VIMRUNTIME or its 
subdirectories, because any upgrade of the runtime files may (and sooner 
or later one will) overwrite any changes that you apply there, with no 
warning that something untoward happened.

That means (on Linux with Vim 7.2) /usr/local/share/vim/vim72/ and 
anything below it.

However, there may be another way to disable plugins in that directory 
tree. Read further.

One reason why the HTML syntax script may be slower than some others is 
that HTML syntax invokes several other syntax scripts, namely CSS, 
javascript and vbscript. However, 10 seconds is clearly a lot (and it 
loads faster than that on my system). Maybe disabling just one oor a few 
of them would improve performance (though that's far from certain). For 
instance, if you never use vbscript in your HTML pages (or elsewhere) 
you might disable that.

And now here's how to disable a syntax script:
In ~/.vim/syntax/ (which you may create if it doesn't exist), add a 
script of the same name as the script you want to disable, but 
containing only the following line:

        let b:current_syntax = expand("<sfile>:t:r")

That's all. It should make the script of the same name in 
$VIMRUNTIME/syntax finish early when it notices that b:current_syntax is 
already set. (:scriptnames will still mention it, but it won't have done 

Best regards,
Eye have a spelling checker, it came with my PC;
It plainly marks four my revue mistakes I cannot sea.
I've run this poem threw it, I'm sure your please to no,
It's letter perfect in it's weigh, my checker tolled me sew!

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