John Beckett:
> Weird suggestion: Close Vim. Rename plugin/matchparen.vim to
> matchparen.txt or whatever (or move it somewhere). Do you still
> have the slowness problem?

I tried renaming the matchparen plugin, but it is still slow.

Tony Mechelynck:
> For instance, if you never use vbscript in your HTML pages (or elsewhere)
> you might disable that.

I've tried a couple of things.
I didn't need vbscript syntax, so I did what you said, but nothing.

I tried to do the same with the html.vim syntax file and this solved
the slowness problem for html local files. Anyway, when I try to edit
a file on the server, using netrw, it is still very slow. To solve
this I need to rename the html.vim syntax file in $VIMRUNTIME, but I
don't have to do this.

I'm confused :\

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