On Sun, Aug 09, 2009 at 09:45:58AM -0700, caruso_g wrote:
> Ok, I want to show you a specific scenario I faced.
> I downloaded the Textile plugin,
> http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=164

The plugin with this link isn't a Textile plugin but a HTML

> , then I unpacked it into ~/.vim/ so that I have a situation like:
> /doc/
>   tags
>   textile.txt
> /ftplugin/
>   textile.vim
> html-macros.vim
> /plugin/
>   textile.vim
> /syntax/
>   textile.vim

Run :scriptnames to check if the script was loaded.

> Now, restarting, MacVim, and creating a .textile file I can see the
> syntax higlighted, but with :helptags ~/.vim/doc it doesn't happen
> anything.

That should be fine. :helptags doesn't cause any output. It
updates doc/tags so it contains all tags of the files in doc/. So
that the :help completion and tag jumping works.

See :help helptags for more information.

> More, If I want to install another plugin there will be another tags
> file that, I suppose, I have to drag and drop into the doc folder… how
> can do it without override it?

Just ignore the tags file (or you could overwrite the existing
one) and run :helptags after installing the plugin and its files.

> But, apart that, I am still not able to use it. :/
> Thanks again for your help.

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