John Little <> writes:

> On Sep 27, 3:42 am, MK <> wrote:
>> I use the XFCE Terminal (because it is better than all the others!)
> Slightly OT, sorry, but I'm always on the lookout for a better
> terminal.
> Does it allow you to control the blink rate of the cursor?  I use
> gnome-terminal in KDE simply because it has that, but it's sometimes
> flaky, due to need to run the gnome settings daemon without gnome.
> Konsole only recently got a blinking cursor, but it doesn't honour the
> KDE blink rate setting, and at 1 Hz is far too slow.  (When various
> motions in vim, often one doesn't know where the cursor will be, so
> spotting it quickly is good.)

You didn't say if you were looking for a terminal with that capability
but in case you are I see a chance to plug for my favorite:

I've always found, in the end the regular xterm is more feature rich
than you can imagine and all other terminal emulators use a subset of
what xterm is capable of.

That statement might be inaccurate since I haven't researched every
terminal emulator... but in practice... with kde xfce gnome fluxbox,
blackbox and few I've forgotten the name of... xterm was always

Concerning blinking
>From xterm man page:

   -bc  turn   on  text  cursor  blinking.   This  overrides  the  cursorBlink

   -bcf milliseconds
        set the amount of time text cursor is off when blinking via the curso-
        rOffTime resource.

   -bcn milliseconds
        set  the amount of time text cursor is on when blinking via the curso-
        rOffTime resource.

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