use $HOME will change something like cygwin and is not good enough i think.
So , just define $VIM and $VIMRUNTIME environment variables , it will works

For me ,  as an example

VIM                ==> D:\Tools\VIM_72
VIMRUNTIME  ==> D:\Tools\VIM_72\runtime

2009/9/29  <>:
> Hi,
> I am a long time user of Linux. At work I have to work on Windows XP.
> Most of the functionality of my vim installation on my Linux box I could
> "recreate" on the Windows PC, but one thing needs to be fixed.
> There two places, which (for example) contain the "plugins" folder:
>    C:\Programs\vim\vim72\.
> and
>    C:\Own Documents\<userid>\vim\.
> (or similiar...I cant remember exactly...and the PC is installed with
> german languag support, and I dont know, how Windows names the folders
> originally, when using English language support...sorry...this is more
> or less guessed...)
> Everything installed below the first directory tree is read by vim
> automagically anything else is ignored.
> How can I make the second path visible and used by vim in a consistent
> and "legal" way?
> Thank you very much for your help in advance!
> Best regards
> mcc
> natural born vimmers
> --
> Please don't send me any Word- or Powerpoint-Attachments
> unless it's absolutely neccessary. - Send simply Text.
> See
> In a world without fences and walls nobody needs gates and windows.
> >

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