Robert H 写道:
> if has("gui_running")
>       set guioptions+=acegtm
>       set guioptions-=T
>       set guifont=Menlo:12
>       set lines=50
>       set columns=100
>       set mouse=a
>       autocmd GUIEnter * set vb t_vb=
>       colorscheme desert
> endif
> Do I really need more than that GUIEnter? If I do then how does that 
> change the above? Do I have multiple GUIEnter * set ... commands?

For your specific need, this is enough. If we're talking about a generic 
solution, multi-line GUIEnter autocmd is the way.

Personally, I'd recommend a separate ~/.gvimrc. Since in most cases I 
use the console vim, remove the gui stuffs in ~/.vimrc speeds up vim a 
little. [at least it checks the :if has("gui_running") and search for 
:endif, which takes time]

But your mind may vary.

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