On Tue, Sep 29, 2009 at 5:51 PM, Robert H wrote:
> On 9/28/09 6:06 PM, Matt Wozniski wrote:
>> On Mon, Sep 28, 2009 at 5:16 PM, Robert H wrote:
>>> On 9/27/09 9:04 PM, pansz wrote:
>>>> To be bug-free you must use the autocmd GUI Enter to do all .gvimrc
>>>> related stuffs.
>>> I have probably never had an issue because I always launch the one I
>>> want. I don't move from one to the other.
>> Even so, some settings (like t_vb) must be set from either a .gvimrc
>> or from a GuiEnter autocmd.  If they're set from .vimrc, they are
>> silently reset to their original value when gvim is started.  So the
>> only right ways to do it, for all options, is either with a .gvimrc
>> file or with GuiEnter autocmds.
> There must be a lot of wrong wayers out there. Every example .vimrc that
> I have seen that has a gui section does not prepend GuiEnter onto the
> settings.

Not necessarily "wrong way" - just not generic enough to work for all options.

> Since this is all I am doing:
> if has("gui_running")
>      set guioptions+=acegtm
>      set guioptions-=T
>      set guifont=Menlo:12
>      set lines=50
>      set columns=100
>      set mouse=a
>      autocmd GUIEnter * set vb t_vb=
>      colorscheme desert
> endif

You set 8 options here, two of which are already done on GuiEnter
instead of when the .vimrc file is first read.  So, somewhere along
the way, you must have found out about this problem, and the GuiEnter
work around.

You chose not to use GuiEnter for the *other* 6 settings, because they
worked.  But, short of trial-and-error or very in-depth knowledge,
this isn't a great solution.  Using GuiEnter for everything is easier
and less error-prone.

> Do I really need more than that GUIEnter? If I do then how does that
> change the above? Do I have multiple GUIEnter * set ... commands?

In your case, no, you've already special-cased the 2 that need it.  In
general, though, it's safest to set all GUI options inside one or more
GuiEnter autocmds.  Which means, really, that it's easiest to just use
a .gvimrc - you can think of a .gvimrc as just a file that gets
:sourced from a GuiEnter autocmd; it's basically equivalent.


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