Check the 'cindent' option too. Discussed in the topic "strangely
increased indentation after a line ending with comma"


On Feb 12, 7:35 am, "" <> wrote:
> Hey thanks I was having the same issue.
> On Feb 12, 10:12 am, Ben Fritz <> wrote:
> > On Feb 11, 3:00 pm, Joyce Tipping <> wrote:
> > > Hi guys,
> > > I've been having an odd problem with my automatic text wrapping in vim. I
> > > wrap my text with the "gq" command, sometimes as "gqap" (to wrap a
> > > paragraph), sometimes as "gggqG" (to wrap the whole document). I've been
> > > using vim for years and I don't recall ever having this issue.
> > > Just recently, it started doing something really weird. I think a picture 
> > > is
> > > worth a thousand words, so here's a blog post I've been working on:
> > >
> > > Here's the contents of my vimrc:
> > > [snip]
> > >   7 set smartindent
> > Assuming I understand your problem, this is the cause. I presume the
> > strange behavior you're referring to, is the lines after the line that
> > starts with "for a car...".
> > The 'smartindent' option is a deprecated option for indenting C code.
> > The C programming language has a construct called a "for loop" which
> > is (generally) a line that begins with the word, "for" and is indented
> > on the next line.
> > 'smartindent' is not really meant for plain text editing, and you
> > generally get better results for C code by turning on filetype
> > indentation with "filetype indent plugin on" in your .vimrc.
> > My recommendation: remove 'smartindent' from your .vimrc and consider
> > enabling filetype plugins and indentation.- Hide quoted text -
> > - Show quoted text -

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