On Apr 19, 7:37 am, Paul <paulwi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I am running Vim 7.2 within gnome-terminal, term=xterm, and I just
> noticed a strange glitchiness....

I can't reproduce this.  Sounds like vim's idea of the window size is
out of sync with the actual size, and you've got showcmd set.
Your png shows the splash text shifted to the right somewhat, as if
vim thinks the window is wider than it is; the "t" of type appears to
be in column 32, but when I run vim in a 100 column gnome-terminal,
the "t" is in column 28.

I speculate that the reason you only notice a problem with exactly 100
columns is that the showcmd display has two characters, and you get
the screen disturbance when the first of the two hits column 100.  If
I'm right, you'd get quite a mess if you edit a file that has lines
longer than about 100 columns, with the window size not exactly 100

Does it happen with vim -u NONE?  What does
    :set columns

Does it happen if you change the font in gnome-terminal?

Regards, John

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