Hi Ben,

first of all thank you very much for your detailed answers. I think they are
very useful in generally understanding more the way vim works.

On Tue, Oct 5, 2010 at 19:05, Benjamin R. Haskell <v...@benizi.com> wrote:

> [combining forks of the thread]
> On Tue, 5 Oct 2010, Alexander Dietz wrote:
>  Hi,
>> I am not sure if understood me correctly. Or I did not understood you.
>> On Tue, Oct 5, 2010 at 17:37, Joan Miquel Torres Rigo wrote:
>>  1. In your first post you said that you have ":set paste" in your
>>> ~/.vimrc that obviously not working. Then, if you want to solve the problem
>>> (only if you want, of course) you need to make some tests to diagnose the
>>> cause.
>> Why should I make tests? I have explicitly shown my complete .vimrc.
> .vimrc is only one source of configuration.  If you have any plugins
> installed or your distributions global vimrc (in my case /etc/vim/vimrc),
> they might make their own changes.
>  3. Setting 'paste' mode by default is not a smart decision because you
>>> will lose many good features, but you can do it simply putting 'set paste'
>>> in your ~/.vimrc.
>> I do not understand what you are trying to say here.
> 'paste' mode isn't what you seem to think it is.  It prevents some of the
> features you're setting from working ('autoindent' doesn't autoindent in
> 'paste' mode, 'formatoptions' is ignored in 'paste' mode).
> See: :help 'paste' for full details.  The gist is that paste mode is
> designed to work around problems with pasting: in a terminal without proper
> mouse support, Vim has no way to tell whether you're pasting with the mouse
> or just typing really fast, and even so, Vim has no way to know that you
> don't want some of the automatic formatting applied, just because you're
> pasting.
>  4. If you were simply did the test that I suggested you probably could see
>>> that this workded and think that there must be something wrong in your
>>> ~/.vimrc.
>> As I says before, I have shown my complete .vimrc. I will show it again at
>> the end of the email, so if you are a specialist of .vimrc settings you
>> might see what is wrong in these set of settings.
>> [...]
>> set number
>> set paste
>> set mouse=a
>> autocmd FileType * set tabstop=2|set shiftwidth=2|set noexpandtab
>> autocmd FileType python set tabstop=4|set shiftwidth=4|set expandtab
>> autocmd BufEnter * set ai sw=4 ts=4 sta et fo=croql
>> set softtabstop=4 " makes the spaces feel like real tabs
> Using that exact .vimrc, with shift+middle-click I get stair-stepping. With
> Middle-click alone, it works how you want.
> If you leave out the 'ai' (autoindent) in the BufEnter autocmd, there's no
> stair-stepping, with or without shift.  Same with 'si' (smartindent), which
> is arguably better.
With leaving out the 'ai' it seems to work! When I mark text in a xterm or
so with the mouse, I can paste it into vim using shift+middle-click.
middle-click alone seems to paste in only what I have 'yy'ed before.

> On Tue, 5 Oct 2010, Alexander Dietz wrote:
>> On Tue, 5 Oct 2010, Benjamin R. Haskell wrote:
>> > :verbose set paste?
>> This command results in the word 'paste' shown at the bottom of the vim
>> window.
> The '?' is part of the command.  ':set paste?' shows the current status of
> 'paste'.  Adding the 'verbose' should show you where 'paste' was last set.
>  > Shift+middle-click in xterm "pastes" (as in: sends the characters to >
>> Vim) regardless of Vim's settings.  With :set mouse=a, you shouldn't > need
>> to use 'shift-'.
>> But I do need to use the shift key. It's a fact for me even with 'set
>> mouse=a'.
> Checking some other features that might affect this.  How about:
> :verbose set ttymouse? term?
>  > With xterm, you might need to set the '*allowWindowOps' resource > (That
>> was required for me on Gentoo using an at-the-time very new > version of
>> XTerm.).  See one of my responses in a previous thread > about this problem:
>> >
>> http://groups.google.com/group/vim_use/browse_thread/thread/bc916d611971d204
>> So you mean my problem need some other changes, related to xterm etc? Why
>> do I need that? I just can copy from/to between: emacs, xterms (different
>> computers, different operating systems, does not matter at all), browser
>> edit windows etc...  Maybe you could elaborate that point a bit?
> Due to the long history of how terminal emulators, computers, and mouses
> interact, programs can access mouse information in different ways.  Full
> discussions is beyond the scope of the Vim list.  The XTerm change log[1]
> lists several changes to allowWindowOps.  The other programs you list might
> not use the same method that Vim uses to access mouse information.  So, the
> allowWindowOps option might not matter to them. For the way vim under xterm
> uses the mouse, you might need it.  The reason allowWindowOps affects Vim is
> that (I think) it relies on XTerm's "bracketed paste mode"[2], which is only
> available when window ops are allowed, and can be runtime enabled/disabled
> via 'paste64' (another X11 Resource for XTerm).
> [1] http://invisible-island.net/xterm/xterm.log.html
> [2] http://invisible-island.net/xterm/ctlseqs/ctlseqs.txt (search for
> bracketed paste mode)

Maybe you know of some *easy* introduction to vim configurations in which
some of the basics are described, at an beginners level?  That might be


>  It seems that vim is not that smart at all in the end....
> It's not helpful to keep reïterating that.
> --
> Best,
> Ben
> --
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