On 2011-06-15 08:36, Ben Fritz wrote:
> On my system, I have a ~/.vim/syntax/2html.vim, and also the default
> $VIMRUNTIME/syntax/2html.vim. When I use "+runtime! syntax/2html.vim"
> I see what you describe, as I would expect, because the '!' in the
> runtime command says "source all files found". When I omit the '!' it
> works as intended, and only does a single conversion.

Ah, that makes sense, I was unaware that runtime! would source all the
files it finds.

> I have not tested 2html with Vim in ex mode. I would not be surprised
> if there are some problems with this. If it works, that's pretty cool!
> Do let me know if you see problems running 2html in ex mode, I imagine
> that might speed things up some.

It works for me, I think i had to specify the TERM to get syntax
highlighting to work. Without it and screen I sometimes get very simple
highlighting but not the 256 color highlighting I want.

> > For reference, the full command I use and the vimrc are posted here:
> >   -http://vpaste.net/index.cgi?ft=sh
> >   -http://vpaste.net/vimrc?ft=vim
> I notice that these references use the dynamic_folds option, but there
> are no folds in the document. See my note above, you could probably
> make this faster by setting the ignore_folding option!

Folds aren't used by default, but you can add them. Same thing for some
of the other settings, so I have to leave a lot of the 2html features
turned on even if they're not used most of the time. For example:
  - http://vpaste.net/index.cgi?ft=sh,fdm=indent,number,expandtab

I guess I could check the value of 'foldmethod' and if it's set to
'manual' I could set 'ignore_folding'. 

> Some of these options I suggest above were added/augmented in later
> versions of the TOhtml plugin than you are using. I think that v9 is
> currently in the Hg repository, and I've given v10 to Bram, but you're
> still using v6 according to the meta tags in the generated output.

Ok, I'll have to try updating sometime.

> Also note the html_use_encoding option takes an IANA name (i.e. UTF-8
> rather than utf8). Perhaps I should add an auto-correction for
> that...I'll think about it.

You could maybe add it to the help document. I missed the part about the
equivalent html charset name. Using a real example such as UTF-8 instead
of foobar might make it a little more obvious.

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