Hi Ben,

Thank you so much for all the help with this. I really appreciate it.

I ran the following command: 

HOME=/path/to//directory/with/vimrc/ vim -N -u NONE -i NONE --cmd "filetype on" 
--cmd "syntax on" "+runtime plugin/TOhtml.vim" "+runtime syntax/2html.vim" 

This opened a terminal vim window with <file> and the html genreated from that 
file. In the vim window that opened, my ~/.vimrc seemed to be applied, but when 
I did ":xa" and saved both files, and opened the new <file>.html, it seems that 
the colorscheme set in the vimrc in the path set to home (not my ~/.vimrc) were 
applied, which is great!! 

I feel that I am very close to what I want to achieve, I just have a few more 
questions (because I am still very new to Vim and do not fully understand 
everything yet, so please excuse my noobing):

1. I have "set number" in the vimrc in the specificed HOME path but the 
resulting HTML did not have line number. What am I doing wrong?
2. Is there any way to include a command into the above command line to tell 
vim to save and quite so that it doesn't open the actual vim session but just 
saves the generated html?

Here is the vimrc I have in that directory. Am I missing any of the options you 
suggested I add to get things moving faster? Do I have any wrong? Any others 
you might suggest?

Also, the result of :version is:

        VIM - Vi IMproved 7.2 (2008 Aug 9, compiled Jul  5 2010 16:33:43)
        Included patches: 1-127, 257
        Compiled by 'http://www.opensuse.org/'

Is this out of date? What is the easiest way to update?

BTW, this plugin is AWESOME!! Thanks a ton for doing it and being so helpful in 
using it. It is really great stuff!


On Jun 15, 2011, at 12:25 PM, Benjamin Fritz wrote:

> On Wed, Jun 15, 2011 at 11:12 AM, Benjamin Koltai <bkolta...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I would like to see this metric but could not get the --startuptime option 
>> to be recognized:
>> vim --startuptime <file>
>> I also looked in the help for startuptime and in the man page, and couldn't 
>> find such a thing? What am I missing?
> Possibly your Vim was not compiled with this option. It's part of a
> "normal" build thogh, and it's missing from your runtime help files,
> so more likely you're just using an old version of Vim in general.
> What are the first few lines of :version output?
>> Ok. That is good to know that Vim is not multi-threaded. I am still a little 
>> unclear on what the benefits of using a client server are?
>> Is it so that you don't have to start up a single vim instance every time 
>> and can just leave vim running?
> The main benefit is so you can use the same Vim for everything. It's
> very useful if you're actually using Vim for editing and you want to
> just work in one instance instead of finding the right one for every
> file you're working on. It lets you launch new files in the same Vim
> using the shell. It also allows for some interesting inter-process
> communication, including using the shell to do background tasks in
> Vim, even though Vim by itself is single-threaded.
>> Also, is there any limit on how many vim instances I can have running at one 
>> time?
> I don't think so, just the extra processor and memory it would incur.
> Your method of closing each Vim instance when done also has the
> benefit that you don't need to worry about resources Vim keeps around
> for each buffer (even when that buffer is no longer shown). It will
> take a little extra logic (probably just a :bwipeout command at the
> end) to work with a single Vim instance.
>> It is starting to sound like the bottleneck might be the syntax detection 
>> and actual coloring of the document. If this is the case than I can deal 
>> with it because it is the main feature I am after. I guess I was just 
>> wondering if there might be other plugins/initializers that might be running 
>> that I could squash to save time. I have tried running vim with -V, but the 
>> output is a little cryptic. I do see that it sources files such as 
>> /usr/share/vim/... and I am not sure if those files are required for what I 
>> am trying to do or not?
> When converting from the command line, this works for me:
> vim -N -u NONE -i NONE --cmd "filetype on" --cmd "syntax on" "+runtime
> plugin/TOhtml.vim" "+runtime syntax/2html.vim" {file name}
> This disables ALL plugins and customizations, then specifically
> enables syntax highlight and TOhtml.
> I didn't realize I needed to source the plugin file before running
> 2html.vim...that is probably something for me to fix. I think it's
> just used for a meta tag, though.
> -- 
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