Great thanks for that.

Do you have any idea how I am get past the prompt to press enter with the last 
command you suggested? Why is it happening?

Here is the prompt again:

$ HOME=/path/to/vimfiles/ vim -N -u /path/to/config.vim -i NONE --noplugin -c 
'runtime syntax/2html.vim' -c 'xa' {file}
"cookies.php.html" [New File]
Press ENTER or type command to continue

With config.vim:

filetype on
runtime colors/simplewhite.vim
colorscheme simplewhite
set number
syntax on
runtime plugin/TOhtml.vim

Thanks again

On Jun 16, 2011, at 3:33 PM, Benjamin Fritz wrote:

> On Wed, Jun 15, 2011 at 1:22 PM, Benjamin Koltai <> wrote:
>> Also, the result of :version is:
>> VIM - Vi IMproved 7.2 (2008 Aug 9, compiled Jul  5 2010 16:33:43)
>> Included patches: 1-127, 257
>> Compiled by ''
>> Is this out of date? What is the easiest way to update?
> I don't think we've responded to this, yet.
> Yes, this is out of date. The latest is 7.3.219, and a lot of new
> features have been added (to Vim itself as well as to 2html). Some of
> my other answers (especially the options which might affect speed)
> depend on this recent version of 2html.
> The easiest way, would be if your Linux distribution has up-to-date
> packages in their repository. But often these are fairly out of date.
> Check the repository first, but failing that, you can compile Vim
> yourself fairly easily. The source code is available through Mercurial
> from:
> There should be a readme there that says how to compile (it's pretty
> standard). If you get stuck you can google for "building Vim" or check
> the wiki:
> -- 
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