> Adam, are you listening?  Do you know how I know it is you?  Yes, because
your posts
> always show up from the day or two before the current date.  I have been
out all
> evening and just got home.

Indeed I am (listening, that it). I conceed my computer's date is often out
of synch (despite a new CMOS battery, the Real Time Clock is dead - anyone
want to buy me a new PC? Anyone?) However, under my Outlook, mail is always
stamped with the time it arrives so I'm going to take your word that the
forged posts follow the time sync of my machine.
I would like to point out however, that I've been a member of this list on
and off since the days when it was one with the Compact Macs list. That
would be a period of some _years_ during which I've been nothing other than
a good citizen, thank you very much. I've also been subscribed to Compact
Macs, PowerBooks and Outback Macs over a similar time-frame, and I _defy_
you or anyone else to find a single person in any of those lists who will
say something bad about me.
I also write a column for the Low End Mac website (altough, admittedly, my
output rate has decayed to something like 1 article/year) and have far
better things to do with my time then post a whole lot of fake nonsense
everywhere, just to annoy the very people who have bailed my arse out time
after time after time whenever I've had trouble with one of my Macs

Flipping through all the email 'from' you, I notice that the last two
messages have a X-Original-Message-Id at [EMAIL PROTECTED], while
your 'normal' messages are tagged as [EMAIL PROTECTED] (or
something similar)
>From what I know of the internet, I'd say you were the victim of SMTP
fakemail (top spammers use nothing else!) and your actual email account is
I should point out that that applies only to the last two emails, the
"Oooooooooohhh! I'm sorry sir..." and "Oh No! I'm digging my own grave"
The emails where you so graciously asked Joseph to "Fuck off and get out!"
and asked that "piece of dogshit" Gregg if it would be too much trouble to
"get [his] shit...discussion off the list" seem very real, originate right
from you, and IMO are sufficient to get you banned right there.

So, did I do this? No.

Was my machine used? Well, though it lives in a semi-public environment at
uni, I think the probablility of someone coming in, turning it on, reading
through my mail and then sending fakemail to selected induviduals hovers
somewhere between "The moon is actually made of cheese" and "Saddam Hussein
is alive, well and currently playing roulette in Monaco."

I have no explanation whatsoever for the dates. I'd like to say something
like "someones trying to destroy my life by making people on the net really,
really mad at me," but I'd step in front of a bus before I allowed words
that retarded to pass my lips.


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