
I think I'd find a podcast helpful as well. Thanks for taking the time
to put it together if you do.


On 4/17/16, Connie Mohney <cmohney1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Yes please.  Thank you.
> Connie
> From: viphone@googlegroups.com [mailto:viphone@googlegroups.com] On Behalf
> Of Karl Smith
> Sent: Sunday, April 17, 2016 8:28 AM
> To: viphone@googlegroups.com
> Subject: RE: 10 Super Efficient Ways Inbox by Gmail Saves You Time
> Yes.
> Karl
> __________
> Karl Smith, Access Technology Consultant Axis
> 4304 South El Camino St.
> Taylorsville, Utah 84129
> Phone: 866-824-7885
> Fax:     866-824-7885
> E-mail: k...@axistech.net
> Alternate E-mail: karl.axist...@gmail.com
> Twitter http://twitter.com/axistech
> My blog http://www.samobile.net/users/oksaxis/blog/
> From: viphone@googlegroups.com [mailto:viphone@googlegroups.com] On Behalf
> Of Kevin Chao
> Sent: Saturday, April 16, 2016 6:42 PM
> To: viphone@googlegroups.com
> Subject: Re: 10 Super Efficient Ways Inbox by Gmail Saves You Time
> Great suggestion, Kramlinger,! I'll work on making a podcast of Inbox by
> Gmail with VoiceOver.
> Would others also find this useful?
> Thanks!
> On Sat, Apr 16, 2016 at 4:44 PM Kramlinger, Keith G., M.D.
> <kramlinger.ke...@mayo.edu> wrote:
> A podcast demonstrating this with VoiceOver would be more helpful.
> From: viphone@googlegroups.com [mailto:viphone@googlegroups.com] On Behalf
> Of Kevin Chao
> Sent: Saturday, April 16, 2016 4:59 PM
> To: 'Carol Pearson' via VIPhone
> Subject: 10 Super Efficient Ways Inbox by Gmail Saves You Time
> http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/10-super-efficient-ways-inbox-gmail-saves-time/
> 10 Super Efficient Ways Inbox by Gmail Saves You Time
> Gmail is good as ever, but could Inbox by Gmail <https://inbox.google.com/>
> be the better choice for you?
> Inbox by Gmail is Google’s most recent approach to email organization and
> management. It takes some getting used to, but if it’s capable of giving you
> a <http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/6-simple-tricks-reduce-email-stress/>
> simpler email workflow, it’s worth adopting. And now you don’t even need an
> invite to use Inbox!
> TIL you can mute in @inboxbygmail <https://twitter.com/inboxbygmail>  by
> pressing M.
> — Josh Todd (@JoshTodd) April 6, 2016
> <https://twitter.com/JoshTodd/status/717766579694346240>
> To help you decide whether you should switch over to Inbox completely, we’ll
> show you some of the ways in which it’ll make email better for you. But
> first, let’s show you where everything is in Inbox’s interface.
> Where Inbox Options Are
> You’ll find all of Inbox’s options and settings in one of five locations:
> *     The toolbar that appears when you hover over a message – This is where
> you’ll find the options to pin an email, snooze it, mark it as done (or move
> it to the inbox)
> Image removed by sender. inbox-message-toolbar
> *     The pop-up menu that appears when you click on the Move to… icon (three
> dots arranged vertically) in the toolbar shown above
> *     The icon-driven menu hidden behind the Compose button – You’ll be able 
> to
> see the menu when you hover over the big red plus (+) icon at the bottom
> right in Inbox
> *     Inbox’s Settings dialog – To bring this up, click on the hamburger icon 
> at
> the top left in the Inbox interface, and in the fly-out sidebar that
> appears, click on Settings
> Image removed by sender. inbox-settings
> *     Individual bundle settings – To bring up the Settings dialog for any
> bundle, hover on its link in the sidebar and click on the gear icon that
> appears next to it.
> Image removed by sender. inbox-bundle-settings
> Now let’s see how Inbox saves you, the user, both time and effort.
> 1. Turns Your Emails into To-dos
> With Gmail, you can send emails as tasks to your to-do list
> <http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/9-instant-ways-turn-emails-tasks/>  app, but
> with Inbox, your email is your to-do list. Inbox treats it as such because
> it understands that most emails need you to take some kind of action.
> Inbox allows you to mark emails as “done” instead of “read” or “archived”.
> That may be a simple change of wording, but it does put a different spin on
> email management.
> I'm loving Inbox by Gmail. Making emails "actionable" made the experience
> amazing for a To-Do List junkie like me – Mark "Done"#InboxbyGmail
> <https://twitter.com/hashtag/InboxbyGmail?src=hash>
> — Ashley Mitchell (@amitchellidea) October 29, 2014
> <https://twitter.com/amitchellidea/status/527549923546243072>
> Emails that you mark as done get shunted out of your way. It’s like checking
> tasks off your to-do list and is the equivalent of archiving in Gmail. You
> can also pin important emails to the top of your inbox for quick access to
> them.
> 2. Sorts Email Right for You
> Inbox takes the onus of sorting your email and does a pretty good job of it.
> It places similar emails in groups called Bundles.
> When you’re setting up Inbox for the first time, you’ll get a prompt to
> choose which type of emails you’d like to see grouped into a separate
> bundle. Trips, Promos, Updates, Forums, and Finance are some of the bundle
> types that you can choose from.
> Image removed by sender. inbox-settings-dialog
> Use the Create new… sidebar link if you’d like to create a custom bundle.
> You can go back and tweak your bundle preferences anytime via Inbox
> settings.
> 3. Highlights Just the Data You Need
> From flight times to car rental info to order confirmations, Inbox is
> familiar with the kind of data that you’re usually looking for in your
> inbox. That’s why it keeps that important data highlighted at all times in
> scannable cards for easy identification.
> Image removed by sender. inbox-card
> Inbox also makes it easy to tell if an email has attachments, photos, inline
> images, links to videos, etc., by making their thumbnails visible in your
> inbox.
> Image removed by sender. inbox-thumbnails
> If you mention a link, a phone number, or an email address while creating a
> reminder in Inbox, its Assist feature brings up extra information that it
> thinks you might need. We’re sharing this tweet as an example:
> Another win for @inboxbygmail <https://twitter.com/inboxbygmail> . I set
> this reminder for myself a month ago, and Inbox knows when my pharmacy
> opens! pic.twitter.com/pUMliylPnc <https://t.co/pUMliylPnc>
> — Danger Manley (@DangerManley) March 30, 2016
> <https://twitter.com/DangerManley/status/715168434829529088>
> You’ll appreciate that Inbox is smart enough to not display sensitive data
> like license keys in cards.
> 4. Speeds up Email Replies
> For any email that’s currently open, Inbox lists three text snippets beneath
> the message. These are replies crafted by Inbox to save you some time. Click
> on any of the snippets and a new draft appears with that snippet pasted in
> the body of the reply email. You can review and edit the email before you
> hit Send.
> Image removed by sender. inbox-smart-reply
> Inbox notes the changes you make and learns from them, crafting better
> response options with each iteration. It also works its way up to more
> complex sentences as you keep using the Smart Reply feature. Smart replies
> are available on the web and on mobile.
> The @inboxbygmail <https://twitter.com/inboxbygmail>  auto-replies are
> creepily accurate. AI is making impressive strides. And saving me time. :-)
> — Bart Verkoeijen (@bgever) April 8, 2016
> <https://twitter.com/bgever/status/718340373165289473>
> 5. Speeds up Searches
> The problem with email searches
> <http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/5-advanced-gmail-search-operators-you-should-know/>
>  is that you still have to look through the results to find key information.
> Inbox knows that this can be time consuming and does its best to push the
> right information to the top. Then it shows you other relevant results in
> two groups: Top results and All results.
> When I searched for flight time in Inbox, right at the top it showed me the
> most relevant card that matched my query — a card highlighting the flight
> number as well as the departure date and time for the earliest upcoming
> flight. Handy!
> Image removed by sender. inbox-smart-search
> 6. Acts as Your Travel Assistant
> Tracking travel plans
> <http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/stress-free-travel-prevent-mistakes-minimize-anxiety/>
>  has never been this smooth. Inbox has a dedicated bundle called a trip
> bundle that gathers all emails related to each of your trips in one place.
> Click on Trips in the sidebar to view trip bundles for upcoming trips as
> well as completed ones. Click on any of them and there’s all the right data
> you need!
> I am travelling soon! Who wants to meet? Let me know ??
> ps love how @inboxbygmail <https://twitter.com/inboxbygmail>  automatically
> creates itineraries pic.twitter.com/83NEVqCCUW <https://t.co/83NEVqCCUW>
> — Antal János Monori (@anthonymonori) April 7, 2016
> <https://twitter.com/anthonymonori/status/718005649154711558>
> You can even share trip summaries with family and friends quite easily. All
> you have to do is open a trip bundle, click on the Share trip icon
> (right-facing curved arrow), fill in the recipient’s email address, and hit
> Send. Inbox takes care of adding the trip summary to the email when you
> click on Share trip.
> Image removed by sender. Trip-Info
> 7. Prompts You to Create Reminders
> When you receive an email that Inbox identifies as a to-do, it suggests
> adding a reminder for it. You can accept its suggestion by clicking on ADD
> REMINDER. This way you don’t need to follow up on emails that require
> action. All you have to do is accept Inbox’s reminder suggestions and get on
> with your work till Inbox prompts you again to take action.
> Image removed by sender. inbox-reminder-suggestion
> Reminders that you create in Inbox and tie to a specific time and location
> show up as cards in Google Now <https://www.google.com/landing/now/> . Also,
> when you add a reminder in Google Now or in Google Keep
> <http://keep.google.com> , it turns up in Inbox. You’ll find it under
> Reminders in the sidebar.
> Image removed by sender. inbox-reminder-from-keep
> 8. Keeps Emails out of Sight Till You Need Them
> Emails that you don’t need right now are often a distraction because you
> have to bypass them to get to the ones you do need. To help tackle this
> problem, Inbox also allows you to snooze emails for later.
> Snoozing an email hides it temporarily and moves it back to your inbox when
> you’re ready for it. If you still aren’t, feel free to hit Snooze again.
> You can pick from snooze times like Next week, Someday, and This weekend or
> add a custom snooze date, time, and place.
> Image removed by sender. inbox-snooze-email
> 9. Lets You Control the Frequency of Promo and Update Emails
> It’s annoying to have promotional emails or update emails trickle into your
> inbox throughout the day. But with Inbox, you can opt to display the Promo
> and Update bundles in your inbox just once a day or even once a week. The
> catch is that you can’t change the time at which the bundles appear in your
> inbox. The default is 7 AM and you’ll have to live with that, for now
> anyway.
> To set the frequency for promo emails, open the Settings dialog for the
> Promos bundle. There, under Show bundle, select the radio button next to
> Once a day or Once a week and close the dialog. Repeat this process for the
> Updates bundle.
> Image removed by sender. inbox-promo-settings
> In the bundle settings dialog, if you have set the Bundle messages in the
> inbox option to Off, you won’t get the email frequency option, but you will
> get one to automatically mark messages as done when they arrive.
> Note: Promo emails include deals, offers, etc. and update emails include
> notification emails like confirmations and alerts.
> 10. Learns What You Need
> Inbox uses intelligent scanning to sort your emails, highlight key
> information, and to provide suggestions for reminders, replies, and
> searches. What’s great is that the more you work with Inbox, the better it
> gets at giving you relevant suggestions. This is sure to save you a lot of
> typing and correction as you continue to use Inbox.
> Also, you don’t need to learn or remember any special syntax to interact
> with Inbox, because it recognizes natural language just fine.
> Inbox by Gmail now uses natural language recognition to suggest reminders to
> add http://t.co/Aii7xayyUU pic.twitter.com/UACcl7ufng
> <http://t.co/UACcl7ufng>
> — Ali Güçlü ? (@aliguclu) June 21, 2015
> <https://twitter.com/aliguclu/status/612672479585288192>
> Inbox Is Great, But…
> The quick and easy data access that Inbox provides is made possible by the
> data-scanning mechanism built into it. This means that Inbox trawls your
> messages to bring up the information that’s most relevant to you. Creepy? It
> sure is, unless the lack of privacy
> <http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/americans-given-privacy/>  doesn’t bother you
> much. This intrusion into every part of your life is the biggest problem
> with Inbox, granted that it’s an intrusion that has your blessings if you
> sign up for Inbox.
> Started looking at Inbox by Google. Became concerned about privacy.
> Remembered I already use Gmail so I don't have privacy anymore.
> — Chris of ComicBookDB (@comicbookdb) November 7, 2014
> <https://twitter.com/comicbookdb/status/530743198717861889>
> Except for the privacy bit, none of Inbox’s cons seem to be deal breakers. A
> unified inbox feature would have been a useful addition for managing
> multiple Google accounts in Inbox though. For now, you’ll have to stick to
> account switching just like you do in Gmail. A one-click delete option for
> emails would also have been nice.
> Unbox Inbox!
> You won’t know if Inbox is worth making your primary email client unless you
> spend some time with it. Get started on that today. If it’s been more than a
> year since you tried Inbox
> <http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/google-inbox-review-breath-fresh-air/>  and
> went back to Gmail, give it another shot, because Inbox has evolved quite a
> bit between then and now.
> The takeaway here is that if it’s efficiency that you’re looking for, Inbox
> gives you an awesome deal. Not so much if privacy is your top concern at all
> costs.
> Have you switched to Inbox by Gmail? Has it changed your email workflow for
> the better? Did you hate it and go back to regular Gmail? We’d love to hear
> about your experience with Inbox.
> Image Credit: Hourglass clock <http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-265709573/>
> by Dima Sobko via Shutterstock
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