On Wed, Jan 28, 2009 at 5:57 AM, Robert Jones <rjo...@openlinksw.com> wrote:
> Leo Soto M. wrote:
>> On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 5:25 PM, Leo Soto M. <leo.s...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> [...]
>>> By poking at the ODS code, looks like the correct function is:
>>>  password_hash = SHA1(concat(user_name, pwd_magic_calc(username,
>>> password, 1)))
>>> But then, what is the definition of pwd_magic_calc? (assuming that the
>>> function shown above is correct).


> Leo,
> The second argument should be the encrypted version of the password, hence
> as a further example you can do the following:
> select u_name, pwd_magic_calc(u_name, u_password) from sys_users;
> which decodes the passwords stored in the sys_users table. This you could
> combine with your example above to test whether someone has supplied the
> correct password.

Good, I understand. So, now I'm fairly confident that the hash
function the client should use is (written in a general, pseudo-codish

  password_hash = hex_string(sha1(concat(user_name, password)))

[Where user_name and password and in clear text -- they are the
user-supplied credentials in the user interface]

But it would be good to have confirmation of it on the
documentation[1] itself, which refers many times to the password_hash
but omits the explanation on how to calculate its value.


Leo Soto M.

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