Hi all,

Plz ignore my previous email as i realized how to fix this ;-)

for the record i used

req path =

dest path =

i think the trick was specifying '$U1' in 'format' mode rather than
'sparql' mode...


On Thu, Jan 29, 2009 at 4:46 PM, Kurt J <kur...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Kingsley,
> Thanks for your quick reply - I understand this sparql-redirect
> concept now in virtuoso.
> However, i'm having a problem still.  I'm afraid it maybe some regex
> thing i'm doing wrong.
> i want http://dbtune.org/cmn/data/CAGE to serve the rdf
> so i use
> req path = /cmn/data(/[^#]*)
> dest path = 
> /sparql?query=DESCRIBE%20%3Chttp%3A%2F%2Fpurl.org%2FNET%2Fclassicalmusicnav%23$s1%3E%20FROM%20%3Chttp%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A6666%2FDAV%2Fclassicalmusicnav-data%3E&format=%24accept
> or in sparql
> DESCRIBE <http://purl.org/NET/classicalmusicnav#$s1> FROM
> <http://localhost:6666/DAV/classicalmusicnav-data>
> however it seems the '$s1' - which i understood would be replaced w/
> whatever comes after /cmn/data/ in the request - remains unchanged.
> as in it is actually making the query DESCRIBE
> <http://purl.org/NET/classicalmusicnav#$s1> rather than #CAGE as i
> expected.
> settings are
> rulelist: *main*
> pattern: REGEX
> matching: Normal
> result format: auto
> http response: internal redirect
> what am i doing wrong?
> cheers,
> kurt j
> On Wed, Jan 28, 2009 at 7:37 PM, Kingsley Idehen <kide...@openlinksw.com> 
> wrote:
>> On 1/28/09 2:06 PM, Kurt J wrote:
>>> Hi Virtuosers,
>>> I've just installed my first instance of virtuoso and it's amazing but
>>> i'm awed and a bit frightened by the depth and breadth of the
>>> features!
>>> Basically, I want to explore hosting structured data w/ virtuoso
>>> basically copying to sort of layout dbpedia uses.
>>> I'm starting w/ a modest data set w/ about 10k triples that describes
>>> influence between classical music composers.  this was in a single rdf
>>> file which virtuoso quite happily swallowed up and provided a quick
>>> sparql endpoint.
>>> http://dbtune.org/cmn/
>>> http://dbtune.org/cmn/sparql/
>>> currently to make the uris in my data set dereferencable i'm hosting
>>> this rdf file on a separate apache server and using purls w/ a hash
>>> name space.  for example john cage has the uri
>>> http://purl.org/NET/classicalmusicnav#CAGE
>> Yikes! Please don't do that if you have Virtuoso at your disposal :-)
>> Virtuoso includes Linked Data Deployment functionality.
>>> finally, here's the question.  rather than hosting this rdf file like
>>> this, i'd like virtuoso to serve up nifty resource, data, and page
>>> URIs like in dbpedia.  and i was hoping this could be done from the
>>> rdf i've already dumped into virtuoso.
>> Sure!
>>> can someone point me in the right direction?  i've been RTFMing starting
>>> here
>>> http://docs.openlinksw.com/virtuoso/rdfandsparql.html
>>> but i haven't found what i'm looking for yet (i think).
>> What you do is use the "Web Application Server" tab in the Conductor to
>> enter the "Virtual Domain & Directory" realm  of Virtuoso where you create
>> URL re-write rules for Virtual Directories. These rules basically use SPARQL
>> to do URI de-referencing.
>> There should be some sample re-rules in place with your installation if you
>> have the demo DB or ODS installed.
>> Some links:
>> 1.
>> http://linkeddata.uriburner.com/about/html/http://realtech.burningbird.net/semantic-web/semantic-markup/stop-justifying-rdfa
>> 2.
>> http://docs.openlinksw.com/virtuoso/urlrewriting.html#usingurlrewritesolelinkdpl
>> 3.
>> http://virtuoso.openlinksw.com/dataspace/dav/wiki/Main/VirtRDFViewNorthwind
>>  (sample RDF View that will create some re-write rules)
>> Kingsley
>>> cheers!
>>> kurt j
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>> --
>> Regards,
>> Kingsley Idehen       Weblog: http://www.openlinksw.com/blog/~kidehen
>> President&  CEO
>> OpenLink Software     Web: http://www.openlinksw.com

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