On 2014-04-17 15:04, Hugh Williams wrote:
> Hi Bart,
> I note your Virtuoso  version is reported as "Version
> 07.00.3203-pthreads for Linux as of Mar 26 2014" which despite having
> been be built in March 2014, a 3203 build is about the original 7.0
> release code from a year ago. The latest builds are 07.10.3207+
> available from git, thus I suggest you update your binary to the latest
> develop/7 archive, as the have been many many query optimisation
> improvements since then:
> http://virtuoso.openlinksw.com/dataspace/doc/dav/wiki/Main/VOSGitUsage
> Best Regards
> Hugh Williams


Thanks.  I'll upgrade my version of Virtuoso and see if it improves the 
timings of my queries.  I'll report as soon as I have new timings.

Should you or somebody else spot 'unusual bad settings' or have any 
advice on parameters that I can further tweak in my virtuoso.ini, do not 
hesitate to let me know!

Kind regards,

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