Dave CROCKER <d...@dcrocker.net> wrote:
> John Leslie wrote:
>> Our timeframe is too short to rule out "hacks" for Stockholm. For
>> the IETF after that, we should be able to automate things.
> The timeframe for vmeet is whatever we set it to be.

   Not meaning to contradict, but Russ Housley has committed to make
the Stockholm IETF week "remote-participation friendly". I do believe
he is hoping from some assistance from us.

> My own participation came from suggesting that we work towards
> replacing at least one IETF week with virtual meetings.

   A noble goal, according to my bank account! ;^)

   (Do note, however, that the Secretariat is signing contracts for

> There is no way that is happening immediately. It's a goal, but we are
> not trying to meet it instantly.


> Since there already are virtual interim meetings, here too we do not
> have to have an "immediate" deadline.

   I wasn't thinking of a "deadline" -- more a "milestone".

> That's why I think we can and should target capabilities beyond what
> the IETF currently use, balancing against easy, reliable use so that
> folks will not feel that it is a burden to participate.

   Of course, if we're _really_ thinking "after 2013," we can afford
to concentrate more on open-standard tools than on currently-marketed
proprietary tools...

   Maybe we need to "formalize" some informal goals / milestones?

John Leslie <j...@jlc.net>
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