On Fri May 15 03:27:15 2009, Doug Otis wrote:
For smaller groups, WebEx Meeting using a telephone bridge works well, but it does not offer a Q & A window. Raising a hand icon is only seen by the presenter. This will likely frustrate participants who would like to make a point, but feel ignored by a likely distracted host. A question queue seems an important requirement to assure participants they are being given a fair chance. Otherwise, the floor is likely to ceded to those willing to ask for forgiveness rather than permission. The chat and window control for remote participants does not compare favorably to a simpler jabber client. On the other hand, the polling feature is very nice and allows participation in "hums."

FWIW, some existing XMPP clients use the MUC presence to signal voting, and they could just as easily signal a "I'd like the floor". However, the current usage of the MUC rooms as a "back channel", for side-discussions, makes actual floor control tricky - XEP-0045 does include "voice requests" and control, and the implementation the IETF uses supports these, I believe, but I'd consider removal of voice to be a problem, unless each working group had both a "presentation" MUC *and* a backchannel, which becomes unweidly quite quickly.

Incidentally, my guess would be that a voting/hand-raising specification or two could be written, and implemented, by Stockholm, in cross-platform clients. If you want this to happen, please say so, and I'll be happy to drive this forward.

There's scope for signalling other things through MUC, too, but anything that requires server mediation has a longer turn-around time, obviously. To get a client-client signalling mechanism going only needs, after all, one client developer to bite.

Dave Cridland - mailto:d...@cridland.net - xmpp:d...@dave.cridland.net
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