putting my money where my mouth is ...

for personal and somewhat superstitious reasons, i do not go to meetings
in the southeastern united states.  so for atlanta, i would like
  o to be able to see and hear any of the wg/bof meetings and plenaries
  o when there are slides or movies, i want to be able to see them or
    even pull a pdf to view locally
  o i would like semi-pro video where i can see the speaker, floor
    speaker, etc.  merit used to do a quite good job of this for nanog
  o i would like to be able to make a presentation, with my face visible
    and show slides and hear and answer questions from the floor and
    other remote participants
  o i would like to be able to speak at the virtual floor mic and, if
    possible, have my face shown to the meeting room and to other remote

i do not want to constrain or over-specify how this works.  i.e. how the
speaking stone is handed around, ...  it's gonna be hard enough to do
without requiring 42 kinky sub-features and have know-it-all amateurs
micro-specifying it.

as much as possible the protocols and the software at the remote end
should be non-proprietary.  and it must run on unix, mac, linux, and
optionally ms-windows. :)


ps: shoot the jabber/im as a formal channel.  it's fine for an informal
    ad hoc social s[n]ide channel
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