Starting a properly-titled thread, and pulling something from Randy's short 

On Jan 6, 2012, at 8:36 AM, Randy Bush wrote:

>  o when there are slides or movies, i want to be able to see them or
>    even pull a pdf to view locally

Those are very two very different requirements. Do you have a strong preference 
for one way or the other? If so, why?

>From the draft:
   [[[ TODO: Is there are requirement that remote attendees see the
   slides as the people in the room?  Or, is it sufficient to keep it as
   it is now where remote attendees must download them and speakers must
   say which slide they are on?  If the slides will be visible to remote
   attendees as they are presented, there will be a requirement that the
   presenter can go back and forth in the slide deck. ]]]

--Paul Hoffman

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