Paul Hoffman <> wrote:
> The obvious lesson is "it's hard to get audio-to-remote right" when you
> don't have much control over the room before the meeting.

   Actually, bringing the right kind of microphone (plus a spare) into
the room and attaching it to a laptop should work...

> The question for this group is: what do we do about that? A few
> alternatives are:
> - Only promote remote participation when the host is sure that the
>   room supports it,

   This doesn't actually work -- Mr. Murphy generally wins...

>   and make it clear that remote participation is not an expectation
>   for all face-to-face interims

   No. We should eat our own dogfood, no matter how unappealing.

> - Make a best effort but be sure that remote participants know there
>   is a reasonable chance of failure.

   We've gotten used to this -- I recommend continuing.

> - Have the IETF Secretariat (at high cost) organize the interim and
>   be responsible for the audio.


> - Prohibit interims from being face-to-face so that all WG members
>   have the same opportunities.

   Prohibit? No.

   But we might do well to hold all-virtual interims from time to time.
Just don't require a group to do two in a row..

> There are certainly other alternatives. Thoughts?

   There's an increasing number of virtual-meeting software alternatives.
Alas, each comes with a learning-curve; and getting folks to spend
enough time learning them has proven a major challenge.

   Perhaps publishing some of the success stories would help?

John Leslie <>
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